The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3)

The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3) by J.L. McCoy Read Free Book Online

Book: The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3) by J.L. McCoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.L. McCoy
to begin.  I smiled as I looked around.  I felt like I had come home.  I rushed over to the busy bar and waited for my best friend Nikki to notice me.
    When she did, she immediately did a double take and squealed loudly.  “Cupcake!  You’re back!”  I laughed as she bolted around the bar and swept me up in a giant hug.  “How’ve you been?  Oh my God, Styvi Nix is going to die when she sees you.  She’s missed you so much!”
    I ginned as I hugged her back.  “I’m good, I’m good.  I’m just glad to finally be standing here.  I’ve really missed you and Dan.”
    Nikki saw Jameson behind me and went to hug him as well.  “It’s so good to see you guys,” she smiled as she came to stand in front of me again.
    “I know,” I grinned.  “I’ve missed you.  How’s Lyric?  Are y’all still going strong?”
    “We are amazing,” she swooned.  “He’s such an awesome guy, Skye.  I haven’t had this much fun with a guy in years.”
    “I’m so happy for you, honey!”
    “So, how are things with you two?” she asked, including Jameson in the conversation as well.
    “Equally as amazing,” Jameson said as he pulled my back to his chest and hugged me from behind.  “I’m a lucky guy.”
    I blushed and smiled as Nikki chuckled.  “You guys look seriously cute together.  I love it!”  She looked over Jameson’s shoulder and noticed Emrick standing awkwardly to his right.  Her brow furrowed in confusion as she turned back to us.  “Uh…what’s up with that guy?  Is he with you?”
    “Um…,” I stumbled, unsure of how to answer that. 
    Jameson jumped in and saved me.  “This is our friend Emrick.  He’s kind of shy, so don’t take it the wrong way if he doesn’t say much.”
    Nikki waved hello to him and Emrick politely nodded back.  Killian walked up to Jameson’s left side and joined us then.  Nikki’s eyes got wide as she took him in.
    “Another friend of yours?” she purred as she drank him in with her wide teal green eyes.
    “Nikki, this is Killian,” Jameson introduced.  “Killian, this is Skye’s next door neighbor and our good friend Nikki St. James.”
    “Well hello, handsome,” Nikki flirted.
    “How do you do, young wan?” Killian greeted politely in his thick Irish accent, his eyes shining with amusement.
    “Oh my,” Nikki stumbled with a smile as she playfully fanned herself.  “Where do you find all of these gorgeous Irishmen, Skye?”
    I laughed and smiled as I turned to wink at Killian.  “Just lucky, I guess.”
    Jameson kissed the top of my head and whispered in my ear.  “I’m the lucky one.”
    I beamed and bit my bottom lip as Dan walked over to us.  I hadn’t seen him before now; he must have just come from his office.
    “Hey, doll face!  I was wondering when you’d come around again,” he grinned as I launched myself at him.  I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and he picked me up and swung my body around in a circle a few times.
    “I’ve missed you, D,” I said as he put me back down.  “How’ve you been?”
    “Spectacular,” he winked.  “The bar has been crazy busy these last few weeks.  We have summer tourists pouring in at all hours.  I love it!”
    “Oh, I’m so glad Drop Kick’s is doing well.  How are the new waitresses working out?”
    Dan scrunched up his face and shook his head.  “I had to fire one, but the other one is finally finding her feet.  It was a rough start for her, but she’s hanging in there.”  He sighed and ran one hand through his artfully messy brown hair.  “We’ve missed you kid.  This place just isn’t the same without you.”
    “I concur!” shouted Nikki from her place beside Jameson.
    “I miss it here, too,” I said with a sad smile.  “More than you know.”
    Dan pulled me into a side hug and kissed the top of my head.  “Come on. Let’s get you guys a table and a few drinks.  What do you say?”
    “I say hell yeah!” I laughed as I wrapped

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