is to offer myself around like some prostitute, in the hope someone will take pity and want more than something to shag? You've got to be joking, I'd rather die."
Assam smiled. "I've had many girls sit there just like you, Karen, and say the very same words. Listen, sixty percent of women in the world don't get a choice. Many, even when they do, are treated like slaves, often beaten if they object. In your own country it's just as rife as any other. What makes you so special that you'll not dance to the tune? What makes you so certain you wouldn't make the wrong choice?"
She shrugged. "At least it'd be my choice."
He stood and made his way to the door. "Come on, it's time you were locked up for the night."
She followed and they walked along the side of the ship. Suddenly, Assam grabbed her arm and pulled her to the rail. Pushing her head forward over the side with one hand and grasping the back of her pants with the other, he forced her to look down into the dark and murky waters below.
"So you'd rather die, would you?" he shouted into her ear above the noise of the wind. "I'll tell you what; I'm a fair man, I've been paid, so I'll give you your chance to do just that. Mind you this time it won't be like the jump from my dinghy. This, Karen, is a bigger jump, miles from land with the water so cold, in less than an hour you'll be dead. It'll give you just enough time to think about your home, family or whatever else comes into your head before you die. So are you ready to jump?"
Karen stared down into the darkness; her body was shaking not only with the cold of the night, but in fear. He was offering her a get-out, a chance to escape, except it wasn't an escape, it was certain death and Karen didn't want to die like this, alone with a man who hated and despised her. But he was beginning to lift her bodily by her pants, pushing her forward and over the rail. She began to struggle, begging him to stop, at the same time grasping the rails tightly in her hands.
Then suddenly he stopped, and pulled her away from the side, his face inches from hers. "Then it was all talk, this wanting to die, was it? Given the choice you've decided to cling to life?"
She didn't reply.
"I told you, Karen," he screamed at her. "You answer immediately when I ask a question, or isn't your bottom sore enough yet?
"Yes, Sir, I'm sorry, Sir, I don't want the strap again. You're right. I was acting stupid and just saying it. I don't want to die," she answered instantly.
He stood for a moment, looking into her eyes. Through the tears forming he could see the terror he was instilling into the girl. Then, satisfied, he grasped her arm, moving her quickly down the ship and stopping at a hold.
"That's your sleeping quarters. Down the ladder and I'll be back in the morning."
She did as he asked but he stopped her, grabbing her arm just as she started to descend. "Think about what I've said tonight and what's just happened. Have no illusions, as far as I'm concerned, you're an investment. I've already been paid but could make a little more. Make the wrong decision, force me to beat you into submission and you're worth nothing. Perhaps then you'd get your wish."
She looked up at him and their eyes met. "What's that?" she asked.
"To die, what else did you think? Go home?"
Not replying, she climbed down the long steps.
Assam looked down into the gloom. "Choose death, kid, and don't, for one moment, believe it'll be quick. The lads are bound to pay for, shall I say, entertainment. That's until we get close to port, then I'm afraid it's a short swim for you. Mind you, with a few selected cuts to your body the sharks won't waste time in finding you."
He slammed the hatch closed and she heard the grating of bolts. Looking away from the entrance, Karen blinked in the gloom; her accommodation couldn't be much worse. The hold was lit with one bulkhead light surrounded by a wire frame. All around her were packing cases twice her height and two or three
William Shatner; David Fisher