The Pirate Prince (Pirate's Booty Series, Book Five)

The Pirate Prince (Pirate's Booty Series, Book Five) by Temple Hogan Read Free Book Online

Book: The Pirate Prince (Pirate's Booty Series, Book Five) by Temple Hogan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Temple Hogan
Tags: Romance
mind. Never give yourself wholly to a man. Keep back your heart. Well, she’d done that hadn’t she? She’d given her body willingly, but she’d kept her heart guarded.
    Hasna wasn’t here to advise her so she must decide what to do on her own. She thought of the man who’d made love to her, teaching her passion and desire such as Hasna had never taught her to expect. He was handsomer than any man she’d ever seen before, but more than that, she perceived he was honorable. He’d become a pirate only because of his will to live and reclaim his throne. If she were not a royal princess—if she hadn’t been schooled by Hasna—she might be fool enough to give her heart to such a man. But there were too many uncertainties in life, especially in the life of a pirate who had a price on his head. If he was captured and hanged, would she be put to death as well?
    What had possessed her to give herself to him? She couldn’t take it back now or could she? Some of Hasna’s secrets had included instructions for duping a man into believing she was still virginal. She needed only a bit of fish gut. She would order Oma to acquire some for her immediately. Of course, she’d not spend another night with the pirate prince. She would turn him away and hope he would respect her wishes. He had said he wouldn’t take her against her will. So be it.
    She refused to admit the swirl of disappointment that flooded her at such a decision. Images of Rajak making love to her danced in the back of her mind, and she couldn’t help but think of the sensuous world of pleasure he’d shown her. Surely, she’d find such excitement and fulfillment with another man. Hasna had said all men were alike, and Azara had come to believe her father’s courtesan about most things, but this puzzled her.
    Rajak had been considerate of the fact she was a virgin, making sure she was ready for him, giving her pleasure above his own. A pang of regret filled her to think she’d had no chance to use the tricks on him that Hasna had taught her to inflame a man.
    Shaking her head with impatience, she got to her feet and stalked about the cabin. What should she do? Should she get word to her father that she’d been kidnapped? How could she go about it? Perhaps Hestia would know. She’d ask her at first chance. For now, her attendants were playing games in the main eating area, and she was grateful for her solitude, but almost as if summoned by her thoughts, the door opened and they entered, chattering animatedly. Hestia was the last to enter, as usual, hanging back, biding her time. Azara didn’t trust the young woman, because Hasna had not. Still, she tried to keep an open mind.
    “Hestia,” she called to the young woman. “Come, I would speak with you.”
    The other women looked at Hestia and giggled, although their sharp gazes were assessing, wondering what their princess wanted with that woman and not one of them. Life as a royal servant was fraught with uncertainty and jealousy. Hestia ignored them and came at once to Azara’s side, kneeling beside the bed upon which her princess sat.
    “I know my father sent you to be his eyes and ears and to send him back messages of the things you see,” Azara began, keeping her voice low, only for Hestia’s ears. “Have you a way of contacting my father of this catastrophe? Can you send word we’ve been kidnapped?”
    “Are you sure you want to do that, princess?” the woman asked, her eyes bold yet secretive.
    “What do you mean? Of course, I do.”
    “How will you explain what has happened in Rajak’s chambers?” Hestia waited for Azara’s answer.
    Color stained Azara’s cheeks. “That is of no account to you,” she stammered. “I will tell my father that Rajak kept me in his cabin, but was noble of intent.”
    “That will make little difference, princess. You were there without a chaperone,” Hestia said implacably.
    “You have no right to comment upon this. You are a mere servant.” Azara

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