The Pirate's Willing Captive

The Pirate's Willing Captive by Anne Herries Read Free Book Online

Book: The Pirate's Willing Captive by Anne Herries Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Herries
the side and seeking the next. A strong hand caught her ankle and placed her foot on the next rung, sending a shock running through her that made her gasp and almost lose her balance. How dare he touch her in such an intimate manner? She had almost begun to trust him, but this was too much! She would have liked to vent her fury on him, but it would be undignified to rage at him in this position. She glanced down indignantly and saw the gleam of mischief in his eyes.
    ‘Thank you, but I need no help of that kind.’
    ‘I would not have you fall on me, lady.’
    Maribel caught the mockery in his voice and fumed inside. Oh, what a rogue he was! How dare he laugh at her? She would have liked to reprimand him, but all her concentration was on negotiating the ladder without treading on her skirts or lifting them high enough to give him a view of her thighs.
    As she reached the bottom he helped her to step down into the boat, steadying her as she found a seat and sat down. She sent him a look of scorn, but refused to speak, because the expression on his face told her that he had enjoyed her predicament.
    Maribel watched Anna descend nimbly into the boat and scowled. Her maid had managed easily alone and she might too if that oaf had not grabbed her ankles every time she took a step. How he must have enjoyed that!
    She would not look at either of them, sitting stonyfaced and staring at the shore as they were rowed closer.When she realised that she would have to wade through water to get to the beach, she was dismayed. She must either lift her skirts high enough to avoid getting them wet and thus reveal her legs in front of the pirates or suffer a wet gown for hours.
    She stood hesitating, unsure of how best to go about it, but then became aware that Captain Sylvester was in the water beside the boat.
    ‘Come, lady, let me carry you.’ He held out his hand.
    ‘I can manage…’
    ‘You will get your gown wet and it will not be pleasant.’
    ‘I can manage.’ Maribel tried to put one leg over the side of the boat, but he grabbed her waist, swinging her up and over his shoulder. She gave a scream of anger, beating at his back.
    ‘Put me down, you brute! Put me down at once.’
    ‘You tempt me, lady. You sorely tempt me to dump you in the water,’ Justin said but carried her up the beach and then set her on her feet. Maribel immediately took a swing at him, but he caught her wrist in an iron vice, his expression stern and forbidding. ‘Be careful, Madonna. Try my patience too often and you will regret it.’
    ‘You are arrogant and I hate you!’
    ‘Arrogant? Yes, perhaps I am,’ Justin said. ‘But I do not believe that you hate me. Tell me you are sorry.’
    ‘No. I shall—’ Maribel caught her breath as he suddenly crushed her against him. She lifted her gaze and something in his face made her gasp. He was so powerful and strong and she was playing with fire. ‘I take it back. You are arrogant, but I do not hate you.’The strong feeling he aroused in her was not hate, but a mixture of annoyance and frustration, because he seemed to enjoy provoking her. She was used to politeness and respect and this man—this man had cut through the layers, stripping away all that she had known and accepted as her due.
    ‘That is better.’ Justin laughed and let her go. ‘Forgive me, lady, but you tempt me almost past bearing. I have seldom seen such delicious ankles and beautiful legs. I could not help myself. You are a siren sent to lure me to my death, I dare say.’
    Maribel tossed her head, protecting herself in the only way she knew. ‘You are impossible. Would that I were a man! I would run you through with my sword.’
    ‘You might try.’ His eyes seemed to flash blue fire, making her hold her breath. ‘Tantrums will avail you nothing. We of the brethren are equals. You will be required to work, as is everyone else. You may help Tom fill the barrels with water from the well at the hacienda. It is a job for boys and

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