The Plague (Book 0): Day Zero

The Plague (Book 0): Day Zero by Ryan Cecere Read Free Book Online

Book: The Plague (Book 0): Day Zero by Ryan Cecere Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Cecere
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
rustling of branches and leaves, with louder UHHH ’s, came from all corners. Firing those bullets alerted more of them.
    He saw the silhouettes of the undead approaching. With the current clip of ammo being his last, he had no way to fight them all.
    Wolf grabbed his duffel bag and put his mask back on. Then, he disappeared into the woods, in a direction that seemed less infested than the others… Oblivious to the unknown .

    On the following pages you will find a brief excerpt from
    Book 1 of THE PLAGUE series …

THE PLAGUE: End of Days
    Miles and Tiamade their way towards the G.W. Bridge in a hurry. On a normal day to walk from Central Park to the bridge was two hours alone, but this wasn’t a normal day .
    Six blocks away, they arrived at the Henry Hudson Parkway, unharmed and undetected. Vacant vehicles were parked and scattered in all lanes. Not a soul or zombie was in sight as far as the eye could see.
    “Oh, God… This is so sad,” Tia put her fingers to her lips, examining the bloody baby seat in the back of the station wagon. She pressed her head against the cracked window, gazing at her reflection. “I guess this is the world we live in now. What else do you know from watching a ton of zombie movies?”
    Miles joined her side. “People start to get crazy—fighting others for food, water, supplies. Instead of banding together to overcome the situation, they make matters worse by turning into animals themselves, killing other humans. But this isn’t a movie. Maybe things will be different and people will come together as one to stop this from getting any worse than it already has.”
    “How are we supposed to live, Miles? In this new world we can’t have babies. We can’t raise a family.”
    “It’s all about survival. We just got to keep moving and hope for the best.” Miles put a hand on Tia’s shoulder. “I know we just met, but I promise I’ll help you get back to your family in one piece.”
    “I appreciate that. I really do.”
    Miles climbed on top of the hood of the station wagon. All he saw were cars stretched out and eventually disappearing into the blackness of the night.
    “See anything?” Tia asked.
    “Just a shit ton of cars we have to squeeze through.” Miles jumped off the hood and opened the car door adjacent from the station wagon. He began searching the glove compartment, under the seats and the trunk. Then he moved on to the next car.
    “What are you looking for?”
    “A flashlight. It’s really dark down there, even with the street lamps.”
    Tia then joined him in search of a flashlight, and after just over a dozen cars searched, they came up empty.
    Miles slammed the trunk closed. “How does nobody have a flashlight with them, let alone own a battery,” he said to himself.
    Tia turned to him, “How is this the quietest area we’ve been to so far? It’s jam-packed with all these cars and yet there’s nobody, not a single person or undead creature-thing either. Where is everyone?”
    “Good question.” Miles took a moment to himself. Then, “Okay, we need to forget the flashlight and continue moving. If we see a zombie then we duck and take it out without a sound. If we accidently attract more—especially since we are on a narrow highway—we’re fucked.”
    Tia nodded, and Miles got his MP7 ready as they continued their way to the G.W.
    Sgt. Allen Cooper hadn’t seen such a hostile crowd as the one in front of him in all his thirteen years in the service. His tank was front and center—behind the tank were his men and a blockade, preventing anyone from leaving.
    Their orders were to secure all exits of New York so the outbreak wouldn’t spread. If anything got out of hand…he would be forced to open fire without hesitation nor question; no rhyme or reason.
    The hostiles were shoulder-to-shoulder, bumping into one another, hollering and making threats. A thousand of them.

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