The Princess Sisters (The Princess Sisters Series)

The Princess Sisters (The Princess Sisters Series) by Stacy Lynn Carroll Read Free Book Online

Book: The Princess Sisters (The Princess Sisters Series) by Stacy Lynn Carroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Lynn Carroll
Well, a woman who doesn’t act like a princess will never get a prince.  I don’t
mean act haughty and spoiled and tell people what to do.  I mean act like a real
princess.  It’s not a question of whether or not you are capable of opening the
door, it’s whether or not you respect yourself enough to allow the prince to do
it for you.  A boy will never respect a girl who doesn’t first respect
herself.”  Belle sank back down and seemed to think about this for a minute.
prince,” Dana continued as if there had been no interruption, “Will open your
door getting into and out of a car.  He’ll pull out your seat when it’s time to
sit down and he’ll ask questions about you, not just talk about himself all
night.  A prince will be genuinely interested in how you feel, the things you
like, don’t like, etc.  He’ll always make sure to have you home on time and
he’ll never ever kiss a girl on the first date.”  Belle could feel her cheeks
turning red again and she pretended to have a coughing fit so she could turn
prince won’t make rude jokes or make his date feel uncomfortable in any way. 
He is the kind of guy who is nice to everyone.  There are a lot of boys you’ll
meet who aren’t quite princes yet, but they are trying to be.  These boys are
called ‘The Frogs’.  Frogs are boys with great potential of becoming princes. 
The biggest difference between a prince and a frog is the frog doesn’t have a
lot of courage or self-esteem yet.  Princes are not cocky or boastful, but they
do take pride in themselves and the things they do.  Frogs tend to be nice
guys, but maybe a little awkward.  They can be known to say the wrong thing, or
maybe forget to get their date’s door, but frogs often have good intentions. 
The best way for a frog to become a prince, is by finding his princess and
getting kissed.  I don’t mean a kiss in the literal sense, but a few simple
words of encouragement passed through a princess’s lips and that shy boy in the
corner will transform into a prince faster than you thought possible.”
all I have to do is tell a nerdy guy he’s cute, and he’ll suddenly become the
guy of my dreams?” Belle asked, looking doubtful.
doesn’t always happen that way, no,” Dana said.  “First of all, the frog has to
want to change.  And second, the frog you help transform might not even be your
prince.”  Belle and Cinderella exchanged confused looks.
you might help a frog become a prince for another princess.  Otherwise,
everyone would always marry the first person they date!”  Cinderella nodded in
understanding, but Belle still looked skeptical.  Dana folded her arms on the
bar and leaned forward a little, bringing her closer to Belle’s face.
whole point of dating is to find out what type of person you are compatible
with, right?”
Belle nodded.
you ever thought that while dating these other guys, you are really helping
them get ready to find the girl who is most compatible for them?”  Belle sat
back against the wall behind her.
I never thought of that before.”
what’s the third type of guy?” Cinderella broke in.  Dana was pleased she had
kept their attention so long.
third type I like to call ‘The Toads’.”
toads!?”  Cinderella and Belle both giggled.
the difference between a frog and a toad?” Dana asked calmly.
are fatter.”
uglier!  And they have warts.”
in many ways they look similar, right?” Dana asked.
I guess.”
is where it gets tricky.  You see, toads are imposters.  They try and make you
think they are a frog so you will kiss them.  When really, if you kiss them
you’ll end up with warts instead of a prince.”
kind of guys are toads then?” Cinderella asked.
kind of guy who will act really

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