The Proposal Book 1 (Submissive Romance)
The Proposal Book
    Brooke squirmed in her seat
as Chris stared right back at her. His gaze was calculating, almost
as if he was planning something and was holding her imprisoned. She
urged her eyes to pull away from his enticing green ones, but it
was so hard. Liquid, molten heat was spreading through her limbs,
ending in a painful knot between her thighs. Her pussy was a wet
mess, and she was worried that everyone at the table would know
about it. Stop looking at me like
that! She wanted to scream, but he was too
intimidating. Besides, her sister would be pissed as hell if Brooke
ruined her wedding rehearsal by screaming at the groom’s
    Chris lifted his head slightly and narrowed
his eyes, emanating raw heat. Brooke’s sharp, indrawn breath made
her sister, Valerie, turn around to face her. Brooke came back to
earth with a jolt.
    “Are you okay, Brooke?” Valerie asked.
    Brooked nodded way too eagerly. “Yeah. I’m
just feeling a little lightheaded. Do you mind if I step out for a
little bit?”
    “Of course not.” Valerie had always been like
this, kind and understanding.
    In her haste, the chair scraped awkwardly on
the floor as Brooke attempted to stand. In a flurry, Chris was
behind her, and her eyes were wide with shock. He didn’t say
anything, but his jaw was tense, a muscle moving spasmodically in
his cheek. Brooke had no choice but to walk outside, with Chris at
her heels.
    She had half a mind to tell him off for
making her so nervous, but she herself couldn’t explain her
reaction to the man. She glanced at him and he had the same hard,
aloof expression. Finally, Brooke had had enough, and when she
turned around to snap at him angrily, she stilled with cold fear
spiraling through her limbs.
    Chris was intimidating, masculine, and seemed
to exude an aura of authority. It was stamped onto his features,
and in the way he carried himself.
    “Why… What are you doing?” Brooke stammered
awkwardly, her voice shaky.
    “I’m showing you out. This is my house you
know?” His condescending glare made her seethe.
    Brooke’s ears began to emanate steam. She
didn’t like being talked to this way. She was a successful
executive, and had hundreds of employees that catered to her
orders. She didn’t take orders, and she wasn’t going to start
anytime soon.
    “Mr. Hunt,” she began with a stiff smile, “I
know the way to the terrace. You needn’t bother yourself. Please,
if you don’t mind, I’d like a moment alone.” Her teeth were
clenched, her eyes shooting sparks of anger.
    Chris smiled at her, almost smirked, and
slipped his hands into his pants pockets. “The thing is…Miss.
Miller.” He paused. “You bother me. You bother me a lot. And I
don’t like how that makes me feel.”
    Brooke’s eyes widened and her lips parted to
give him a biting retort, one that he deserved. Instead, she
noticed Chris’s eyes doing a provocative dance over her facial
features. His gaze was thorough, relaxed, and he took his time, as
if he was a master of what he was looking at. Her tongue got stuck
to the roof of her mouth, and her chest beat frantically.
    Chris walked away and Brooke
should have been seething but she was just…in shock. You bother me a lot. And I don’t like how that
makes me feel . Was the groom’s brother mad?
She had barely talked to him when they were introduced. Although
she couldn’t deny that there was raw, potent virility emanating
from every pore on Christopher Hunt’s body, she wasn’t
    Relationships had been the only sore aspect
of Brooke’s life. Three past relationships had collapsed before any
serious commitment, and all for one reason alone.
    Brooke’s professional success had been too
hard to handle for the men in her life. She knew that frequent
traveling, unpredictable hours, and her attachment to her work had
contributed to the ultimate mess in her personal life, but she had
learned to accept the fact. No man would ever be enough for Brooke,

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