moving. There’s too much inertia holding people back. What we need is to bring about change and shake things up.’
‘Hmm. You won’t last long in the medical profession if you go about rattling cages like that. There are some powerful people running the hospitals, and they won’t thank you for stirring things up.’ She sent him a thoughtful glance. ‘Perhaps you should wait until you’re a fully fledged consultant yourself before you start getting up people’s noses.’
‘Nah. That would be totally boring, and I doubt I could wait that long.’ He pushed his empty plate to one side and reached for his apple pie. ‘I leave it to peoplelike you, Missy Play Safe, to follow the rules and support the status quo.’
She pretended to be affronted. ‘Well, thanks a lot for that. If you’re going to be insulting I’ll have to think twice about joining you for supper another time.’ She frowned. ‘And don’t think I haven’t sussed out that I’m here under false pretences. Jessica and Alex aren’t going to put in an appearance, are they?’
‘Ah…’ A momentary flush of guilt washed over his face. ‘I meant to tell you about that. Jess has been asked to help out in Theatre with a cardiac case—the man who was involved in the accident earlier today—and Alex is looking after the woman who gave birth to the little girl who’s up in Neonatal. She suffered a leg injury, among other things, in the crash, and they’re keeping her under observation.’
She gave a heavy sigh. ‘It’s a tragedy, isn’t it? Three lives devastated.’
‘It is…but with any luck they’ll come through this in one piece, eventually.’
‘I hope so.’ She winced. ‘The baby isn’t doing so well. She needs specialist help, and the consultant is thinking of transferring her to the children’s hospital in Somerset.’
He nodded. ‘Yes, I heard that. I spoke to my boss about it, and it looks as though they’ll be assembling a neonatal transport team to take her over there. It’s possible I’ll be part of it. My rotation is supposed to cover the full spectrum of paediatric A and E so that would be another one to notch up for my specialist training.’
She looked at him and blinked, trying to take that in. Her name was already down to be part of thatteam…which could only mean that they would be travelling together. That was not good news.
She kept her feelings to herself. ‘Alex would have given anything to be able to do that.’
Connor’s glance trailed over her. ‘Yes, well, I’m sorry that I took his job from him. It wasn’t personal. I know you wanted to work with him, but I’m afraid it looks as though you’re going to be stuck with me. Our paths are likely to cross on a regular basis, given the nature of the rotation.’
He discarded his spoon in his now empty dessert bowl. ‘Perhaps I could make up for whatever it is I’ve done wrong, or may do wrong at some time in the future, by taking you out somewhere special. It’ll be late when we finish here tonight, but we could go and try out the new Blue Bay Club, if you like. It’s open till the small hours, and neither of us has to work until tomorrow afternoon, do we?’
She shook her head. ‘Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think I’ll take you up on it this time,’ she murmured. ‘Alex asked if I would drive him home later. His car is being serviced, and we were planning on stopping off at the Griddle Bar for half an hour or so after work.’
Connor’s mouth twisted. ‘I thought it strange that you weren’t too worried about him not putting in an appearance. I always seem to come in too late, don’t I? How about if I book a date with you for tomorrow and maybe another one for the day after that?’ He spooned sugar into his cup and began to stir the coffee. ‘I suppose you’ve already made arrangements for then, too, haven’t you?’
She gave him a thoughtful glance. ‘As it happens, I have, but that shouldn’t come as too much of a
Anna Hackett, Anna Lowe, Leigh James, Ember Casey, Zoe York, Ruby Lionsdrake, Zara Keane, Sadie Haller, Lyn Brittan, Lydia Rowan