The Rebel Bride

The Rebel Bride by Tracey Jane Jackson Read Free Book Online

Book: The Rebel Bride by Tracey Jane Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson
Tags: Romance, Time travel, civil war
tried to light it under cover, but we’re still taking a chance.”
    She made her way to the warmth and held her hands out with a sigh.
    “What’s infer red?”
    She glanced at him over her shoulder. “In fra red,” she corrected. “They’re special glasses that allow you to see in the dark.”
    His eyes widened. “In the dark?”
    She nodded.
    She turned from the fire with a smile. “They are pretty incredible. Hannah has a couple pairs.”
    “Are you hungry?”
    “Starved.” Victoria laid a palm over her stomach. “However, I’d like to look at your wounds first, if that’s okay. We should change the bandages one more time.”
    She spent the next thirty minutes bandaging his shoulder. “Your thigh looks good, Gus. We’ll leave it be, I think.”
    Victoria gave him another dose of Advil and split a power bar in two for them to share. He noticed she made his portion bigger than hers, but didn’t comment.
    She smiled and broke off a piece of her snack. “How do you feel?”
    “Better, Victoria, thank you.”
    “Are you sure?”
    He nodded. “I doubt I’ll expire any time soon.”
    “Oh, you’re funny.” Victoria leaned her chin in her palm as she watched him chew. “You laugh easily, don’t you?” she observed.
    Quincy chuckled. “My family has accused me of risibility in the past, yes.”
    “What’s your family like? Do they like to laugh too?”
    “Most of them, yes. I have two brothers and a sister.” He smiled as the memories flooded his mind. “My eldest brother, Christopher, is quite serious. We call him ‘Christopher the Big.’”
    Victoria chuckled. “Really? Why?”
    “I suppose it started because he was the older brother, bigger than all of us up until we grew up, and somewhat bossy.”
    “So, he’s serious and large. An ogre of sorts?” Victoria pursed her lips.
    Quincy laughed. “No, he’s quite harmless, but yes, he’s serious. My sister, Gwen, on the other hand, is quite funny, as is Jacob.” Taking another bite of the power bar, he forced a swallow. “What about your family?”
    Nibbling on her portion, she dropped her head. “My family wouldn’t know how to laugh unless it was attached to a great deal of money, or perhaps a very nice Thoroughbred.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “My family is complicated,” she said quietly and waved her hand as if to dismiss her comment. “Just ignore me.”
    * * *
    Not offering further explanation, Victoria was relieved when Quincy chose not to press, although he did continue to watch her. Wiping her hands on her jeans, she cleared her throat before asking, “Where do you live, Gus? Sorry, I mean, Quincy.”
    “Our family home is in Maryland.”
    “Your family home? Do you still live with your parents?”
    He shook his head. “No. My brother and I live in Washington.”
    “Excuse me?”
    Victoria shifted uncomfortably as she suddenly remembered the west wasn’t entirely “won” yet. “Never mind. Do you live in D.C.?”
    “Yes.” He finished his power bar and watched her closely.
    “What does your brother do?”
    “He works for the war cabinet.”
    Victoria couldn’t stop a deep yawn and she caught Quincy’s gentle smile just as her eyes began to droop.
    “Let’s try and get some sleep,” he suggested before struggling to stand.
    Victoria lurched to her feet, exhaustion forgotten. “What are you doing?” she demanded.
    “Adding wood to the fire.”
    “No, you’re not!” She grabbed his arm. “Sit down. I’ll do it.”
    Quincy smiled. “I’m perfectly capable of this small task, Victoria.”
    “Sit down,” she ordered and waited for him to do as she asked. It took longer than she would have liked for him to acquiesce, but once he did, she added the small logs gathered earlier and stood for a few minutes to ensure the fire would last before lying down as close to it as she could.
    Quincy had earlier retrieved the horses’ saddle blankets to lay on the ground,

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