The Red Moon: Moon Rising

The Red Moon: Moon Rising by J. M. Lyons Read Free Book Online

Book: The Red Moon: Moon Rising by J. M. Lyons Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. M. Lyons
old book shelf held many, many old books, with
shredded corners and water damaged cover's. Steve plopped her
down on the brown plush couch, and threw a pillow off the double
seater at her. "Here use this." He said, laughing very hard. He
walked toward the open door still laughing with every step that he
"Somebody's drunk and she couldn't handle her shit." He
teased shutting the door behind him. "Mia is that you?" She said,
reaching out her hand. I grabbed her arm before it hit the ground.
"Yes Nadia it's me. You need to rest, your drunk out of your mind
right now." I said positioning her head on the small pillow. "Your so
pretty Mia, so much prettier that I am." She said, as she tangled
her fingers in my hair.
"Nadia you need to rest; we can talk about it the morning." I
said; as I sat on the floor trying to untangle her fingers, that she
twisted into the strands of my hair. The door suddenly opened,
and Jon quietly stepped in. "Ha ha ha, she's pretty wasted huh?"
He laughed, as he shut the door behind him. "Yeah, she is." I
replied, just as I finally got my hair out of her fingers. I put my
jacket over her legs, in hopes that it would keep her warm.
"Is she asleep?" He asked standing near the window. "Um,
yeah at least I think she is." I said, with a slight chuckle. "Well then
come on let's go for a walk; Steve lit the fire in back yard." He said
pointing out the window. "Um; sure alright." I said, as I got off the
floor and followed Jon's lead. The crowded hall was bustling with
people going in and out of the kitchen; the smell of sweat and
alcohol were very prominent. I cringed my nose at the smell. We
went out the back door where there was less traffic.
It was a clear night; so many stars filled the dark sky. The
crescent moon was dim, but it didn't matter much; Steve lit a
massive fire and by the looks of things there was a whole lot more
wood that needed to be burnt. The chill
of the night air felt nice as
I left the over crowded house. The porch creaked as I stepped
over the floorboards, then down the stairs. We walked across the
gravel road that surrounded Jim's entire house toward the fire.
The warmth of the fire made me forget that I didn't have a
Jon picked up two huge logs, turning them up right to
make stools to sit on. I sat down quickly, rubbing my hands
together to absorb more warmth from the fire, as the chill chipped
at my fingers.
"Cold?" He asked, as he put his jacket over my
almost bare shoulders. "Yeah, kind of." I replied softly, staring at
the ground.
I couldn't help but think of everything that happened
All the feelings I felt for my mom.
All the nerves that was
stirring in my stomach right now, with Jon so close to me.
and I used to come here a lot to hang out with Jim.
But, I guess I
never took the time to really appreciate how lovely this place
actually was. It really was lovely.
The house was surrounded by tall old trees, and brush. You
would be afraid if you've never been here before; it had a very
spooky feel to it.
It was kind of like being in a scary movie scene.
But I guess I could say that about all the homes in this area.
property ended at the lake; the lake was filled from the waterfall's
just up the way from his house; not to mention the lake, was just
yards away from their back porch.
The glare of the moon shone dimly off the lakes ripples.
slight but cold breeze blew down from the mountains. A few
people stood around the fire for a bit; but they all disappeared
back into the house, I thought; soon it Jon and I were all that was
left sitting there, quiet and alone. He didn't say a single word. He
just sat there, pushing the gravel around with his feet, waiting for
me to talk I guess.
The light of the fire caught

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