The Reluctant Earl

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Book: The Reluctant Earl by Joan Wolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Wolf
Tags: Romance, Regency
family.  I’ve sometimes wondered if perhaps she dropped from the sky.”
    “Watch your tongue, young man,” the earl growled.
    “And how much money is this inheritance, Father?” Simon inquired.
    “I’m not certain.  We shall have to let the solicitors work it out.”
    Will he never stop lying? Simon thought in despair. 
    The earl was continuing, “The money won’t be yours to spend until you turn twenty-one, Woodbridge, so don’t start thinking you’re rich.”
    “Whose money is it to spend until then, my lord?”
    “Your mother’s eldest brother has been named your trustee.  He will decide how much money to advance you until you are old enough to make your own decisions.”
    “I have an uncle too?  This is certainly a surprise.  How is it I have never met any member of my mother’s family?”   Simon was careful to keep his voice politely inquisitive, not confrontational.
    Lady Welbourne said, “Your mother’s family are bankers, Woodbridge.  Merchants.  Cits.  Of course your father didn’t want people like that coming into his home as if they were family.”
    “But they were family,” Simon pointed out.  “ My family.”
    The countess was so furious she almost hissed.  “You should thank your father for not allowing the taint of commerce to stain the purity of your Welbourne blood.  And how do you repay him for his care of you?  You spend all your time with that Irish brat!  Her father is a horse trainer , for God’s sake.”  The countess’ eyes narrowed to slits of gray ice.  “Why do you think I have kept you away from my son all these years?  I did not wish Charles to be contaminated by such a one as you.”
    Simon stared at her for one, long, unbelieving second.  “Do you really think that way?”
    “Enough!”  The earl shot his wife a hard look and turned to Simon.  “I will inform you when Pitt hears more about this issue.  That is all for now, Woodbridge.”
    Simon slowly removed his gaze from the countess’ face.  “Yes, my lord,” he said, walked to the door and shut it firmly behind him.
    #   #   #
    “She actually said she wouldn’t let you see Charlie because you’d contaminate him?” Claire asked in horrified disbelief.
    “Her precise words.”
    They were on horseback, riding side by side along the well-kept bridle paths of Welbourne.  Simon was riding Tim Tam, one of Liam’s not-quite-fast-enough thoroughbreds. Liam liked the animal’s personality and athleticism and thought he would make an exceptional hunter.  Simon was trying to get him accustomed to going through the woods.
    A rabbit hopped across the trail and Tim Tam shied and spun around.  Claire, who was riding Finbar, waited as Simon got the frightened thoroughbred calmed down.  As they proceeded with their walk, Simon said, “My father still thinks I’m going to Oxford next term.  He even said he was going to make my uncle pay for university out of my trust fund.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to dun my uncle for the money he’s had to spend on keeping me all these years.”
    “Nothing that awful man does can surprise me.”  They rode for a few minutes in silence, then Claire said, “One hundred thousand pounds!  I can hardly believe it, Simon.  That’s a fortune!”
    He turned to look at her amazed face and grinned.  “I know.  But we have to remember I don’t get the money until I turn twenty-one.”
    Her amazement turned to apprehension.  “Are you going to have to go to Oxford after all?”
    “No.”  For the first time in his life, he had power.  He had money.  He did not have to do what his father told him to.  “I am not going to Oxford.”  His adamant voice reflected his resolve. “I am not leaving you again.  I’ll speak to my uncle and see what kind of allowance he will give me.”  He looked into the eyes he loved so deeply.  “We’ll work something out, Claire.  We won’t need a lot of money to live on, you and

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