The Renegade Returns (Mill Town Millionaires)

The Renegade Returns (Mill Town Millionaires) by Dani Wade Read Free Book Online

Book: The Renegade Returns (Mill Town Millionaires) by Dani Wade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Wade
puppy-dog look when he tried.
    “It’s just, um…”
    Yep, the look was working.
    She swallowed. “With me being, you know, your physical therapist, maybe socializing isn’t such a good idea.”
    “Why not? Because you said everything outside of the office was fair game.”
    Her face flushed and he knew he’d gotten her. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
    His male instincts urged him to stalk closer, crowd her in and make her admit she was just as attracted to him as he was to her. Instead he forced himself to remain still, using words to reel her in. “Come on. You want an adventure. I want to help you find one. Let’s talk about it over dinner.”
    “Well…” Her flush deepened, but she also straightened her shoulders. “I guess I could do dinner one night.”
    Was that a slight squeak he heard in her voice? “Good. I know Christina has been dying to see you, too.”
    A little of the starch drained from her posture. “Oh, um, yes. That sounds nice.”
    Obviously she hadn’t been to a dinner with all of them home. Nice wasn’t the word he’d use. Chaotic , maybe. Just what she needed.
    “It will be interesting, to say the least.” Not like the gloom and doom his grandfather had presided over. James Blackstone had demanded the appearance of a family dinner, but they had been mostly silent events with none of the laughing, joking and talking Luke associated with that idea. Especially not since his mother’s car accident.
    As he came to his feet, the quizzical little smile Avery gave distracted him. He saw nothing else. Not taupe walls, nor yellow scrubs. Just pale blue eyes and bow-shaped lips moving closer as she stepped forward.
    Before he could reach for his cane, his legs gave him the old heave-ho and collapsed. Avery had moved close, too close to miss out on his game of Timber. Down they both went.
    He tried to twist, but his body wouldn’t cooperate. They hit the floor hard. Or rather, Avery did. Luke’s arms worked better than his legs, catching him before he landed on her. Oh, that elbow was gonna bruise. Of course, the rest of his body couldn’t help but tangle all up in hers.
    They came to rest hip to hip, stomach to stomach, and all of Luke’s pent-up need was blatantly evident. Once more, the first thing that popped into his head came out of his mouth, even though he knew he’d pay for it later.
    “Sweetheart, you’re the softest landing place I’ve had in a while.” The scary part—it was true.

    F or once, Luke was able to walk into breakfast at Blackstone Manor like a normal person, albeit relying on his cane, instead of a hunched-over hobbit moaning in pain. He tossed Christina a grin as he approached the breakfast dishes on the mahogany sideboard.
    Though she seemed a little pale and not her usual serene self this morning, she returned his smile. “Someone’s looking much better than the last time I saw him,” she teased.
    Since neither of his brothers were there to rag him, Luke spoke freely. “I swear that woman has magic in her fingers.”
    “I bet.”
    Without thought, Luke whipped his head around, pinning her with a glare until he realized she was joking with him. Busted.
    Christina raised her hands in surrender. “Just kidding.” But that smug smile said she’d gotten all the information she needed.
    The pressure to explain rose. For once, he gave in. Maybe if he talked some of his thoughts out, he could make more sense of them. Somehow, he could share with Christina things he’d normally keep to himself. He attributed it to her peaceful bedside manner. His brother Aiden was one of the few people who could shake her calm attitude.
    Yet he was grateful to be filling his plate as he spoke, instead of facing her across the lace-covered table. “Avery gave me a massage after my session yesterday. My muscles haven’t felt this good since before my accident.”
    “Nice,” she murmured. Again she tossed him the knowing look, but thankfully she held

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