The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series)

The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online

Book: The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
his lips upon hers in a tender kiss. He was still furious at her situation, but was coming to understand that circumstances had arisen to which she simply reacted. She should have contacted him months ago, but he also understood her fear of being arrested.
    In Russia, prison was not a vacation from reality, it was something to be feared and avoided at all costs. He was proud of her for keeping her wits about her and avoiding that outcome. He wasn’t sure how the situation would be resolved, but with Dmitry’s help, things would be set to rights. Of that, he was certain.
    Ending the kiss, he suggested she try to get some rest. His home was a thirty-minute drive out of the city. When she closed her eyes, he smiled and picked up his cell phone.
    “Misha, what’s going on?” Dmitry asked when he picked up.
    “There’s been a little excitement this afternoon. You may congratulate me now.”
    “On what?”
    “I have a son.” Misha waited while Dmitry digested that information.
    “I didn’t realize you were seeing anyone. When did the birth occur? Was that the emergency that took you from the office?”
    “Whoa! Hold up a second. His name is Mikhail and he is already ten months old.” There was a silence across the line as Dmitry came to terms with what he was hearing.
    “Yes. It is a long story, and one I will gladly share with you at a later date, but for now I need some assistance.” Misha explained about Jasmine’s visa and Dmitry promised he would make the appropriate calls and see about getting it renewed as if it had never expired. It would be tricky, and cost some serious cash, but Misha didn’t care.
    Bribing officials was standard practice in Russia, as was working with the Bratva. He’d buy her a fake visa if need be, however, he’d rather not chance that being discovered.
    “What about the child?” Dmitry asked.
    “He’ll have Russian citizenship once I claim him as mine and verify that he was born in Russia.”
    “Will Jasmine not want him to have American citizenship?” Dmitry had already figured out that she would. Unfortunately, it was impossible to claim dual citizenship for both countries. It was to everyone’s advantage if the boy was to remain a Russian citizen, but Misha would have to convince Jasmine of that fact.
    “I’ll work on it. Don’t do anything about Mikhail for now. If we can get her visa situation sorted out, the boy’s will take care of itself.”
    “Are you keeping her?” Dmitry asked, not finding anything strange in the way he worded the question. Misha was a conqueror and wasn’t known for asking permission. He took what he wanted. The fact that he hadn’t demanded she remain in Russia those many months ago was a testimony to the feelings he had for her. He loved her!
    “She will be staying in Russia for the unforeseeable future. I hate to disrupt your woman’s plans, but I will be getting married before you. As soon as it can be arranged in fact.”
    “Would you like me to have Julia and Desi arrange things? I’m sure they’d love to be involved.”
    “You just want to distract them from over-planning their own weddings.”
    “Well, that would be a side benefit, yes.”
    “Thank you, cousin. That would be helpful. I will gain Jasmine’s acceptance of her new position in this world while your women work their magic. Saturday should be soon enough.”
    “Misha, you know that’s only two days away, right?”
    “Of course. My mother is already in St. Petersburg visiting your mother, so I don’t see the problem.”
    “You wouldn’t. Fine. Two days. I can’t wait to meet my nephew.”
    “Tomorrow, cousin. Or the next day. In fact, you can meet him Saturday. Tell Julia and Desi that tutoring sessions are cancelled until next week.”
    “Will do. Shall I arrange the ceremony to take place at the local cathedral?”
    “No, the estate will be fine. I’ll see you Saturday. Send me the details once you have them.”
    Misha hung up,

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