The Scarlet King
robed whose face was covered by the hood. Rather than exiting
through the main gate of the prison, their guide led them to the
service entrance which again was unguarded. He said not but simply
handed Jeremy a coil of line and pointed in the direction of the
    Jeremy took the line and turned towards Edna
whispering, "Are you ready for a climb?" When he turned back their
guide had vanished. They made their way through the gray darkness
to the foot of the wall between some shops. Jeremy had no trouble
climbing the interior wall, which had not been smoothed. He lowered
the rope and helped Edna ascend. The exterior face of the wall had
been extensively smoothed and offered few handles for a possible
intrusion. The line was just of sufficient length for Edna to reach
the ground but not long enough for Jeremy to use a loop to lower
himself. He wanted not to leave any evidence of their escape and a
rope dangling over the side of the wall would be surely seen.
    He tied a stopper knot on the end of the line
and found a small crack where the knot barely caught, and began
climbing down the rope. He hoped that when he reached the ground he
would be able to shake the line and the knot would come free. His
planning might have been good but the execution suffered: when he
was still twenty feet above the ground the knot slipped and he fell
the remaining distance. Edna did her best to cushion his fall but
his ankle twisted and he collapsed with a groan of pain escaping
his lips. Edna looked around hoping nobody heard the sound. All was
    Edna helped Jeremy to his feet, and by using
her as a crutch he was able to hobble along. They had both been
studying the terrain during their many visits and only occasionally
did they need to communicate as to direction. The moon was well up
before they arrived at the harbor. Only a few torches burned. Tied
to one of the pilings was the Captain's skiff. They untied the
skiff and ever so quietly pushed off away from the pilings. Using
the oars as paddles, they made their way slowly away from the
harbor structures and guards.
    Not until they were into the open water of
the harbor did they insert the oars. The squeaking of the oar locks
seemed loud to those in the skiff but no alarm was raised. Jeremy
manned the oars and Edna provided the steerage using the rudder.
The moon was now up high enough so that they could see the outline
of the ship. There was just enough of a breeze to complicate the
rowing, and it seemed to take several times as long for them to
reach the ship as it normally did. As they approached the ship they
needed to decide whether to hail the ship or try to sneak aboard.
Jeremy's ankle made it impossible for him to climb, but Edna said
she would climb the anchor rope and get help to raise him aboard
the ship.
    They positioned the skiff next to the anchor
line. Edna grabbed hold the thick line and pulled herself upwards
until the line entered through the scupper portal. At that point
she had to wedge her foot between the ship’s hull and the anchor
line. When she had stabilized her position she reached up; her
fingers just barely were able to grab the rail. As she transferred
her weight to her hands, she then had to free her foot from its
wedged position. Only then was she able to lift herself over the
rail and onto the deck of the ship.
    She crouched low and looked around. There
appeared to be no one on watch. She leaned over the rail and could
make out Jeremy in the skiff holding himself to the anchor line.
She walked quietly to the companionway and spotted the sentry. She
froze and tried to make herself invisible. The sentry moved and she
recognized the thumping of Larby's peg leg. She whispered, "Larby,
it's me, Edna."
    He spoke up saying, "We were hoping you were
going to show up."
    Edna asked, "Where is the ship’s watch?"
    Larby said, "The Captain and the crew went
ashore and left instructions that we were to allow only those
flying the green and white colors aboard.

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