The Sea Break

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Book: The Sea Break by Antony Trew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Antony Trew
launches’ timetable, and much else. The two British ships, due to sail about the twenty-third, had been located: the Tactician and the Clan McPhilly . Both were discharging at the Gorjao Quay, and had not yet started loading. They gave him the position of the Hagenfels :about five cables to the south-west of the far end of the Gorjao Quay.
    The Newt fidgeted with his moustache. “I’ll knock around the docks to-morrow. Try and make friends with some Portuguese . Been out in the harbour yet?”
    “No. Johan and I are hiring a boat to-morrow morning. We’ve got some fishing tackle and we’ve chummed up with a bloke who lets out boats. Domingos Parao. He wasn’t too keen on letting us go solo. Wanted to send his man with us. We talked him out of it.”
    “To-day’s the tenth,” said the Newt. “We must aim at finishing the recce by the twentieth. Main thing is to establish the number of men on board and how many go ashore at one time.”
    Out towards Chefine Island banks of cumulo-nimbus were building up and a breeze came in from the sea and ruffled the surface of the water; the scattered clouds cast dark shadows and the fairway buoys glistened white in the sunlight. The sea-birds were flying south to Cabo da Inhaca, away from the gathering storm. At the mouth of the river, almost lost in theheat haze, a tanker rode high in the water, her hull rust-streaked , a white gush of condenser water discharging from her side.
    Another two days passed and then they met the Newt in a dark lane near the Cardoso. He had spent the afternoon in a tug where he’d made friends with the mate who was from Lisbon. In the evening they’d done a pub-crawl before dinner and he’d learnt a good deal. The mate had heard the rumour that the Hagenfels was standing by to break out, but there were always such rumours, he said; the Germans started them, their security was excellent. He’d agreed that if any ship broke out it would be the Hagenfels because she was a motor ship; if a steamship raised steam it would be seen in the harbour and British Intelligence would at once know.
    Johan frowned. “Wasn’t he suspicious?”
    “No. My questions were pretty mildly put, and at long intervals. We talked of much besides. Both old Lisboans, you know. Towards the end, Artur was pretty high. A great thirst, that man.”
    Johan and Rohrbach gave him their news. That afternoon two women had come ashore in the 5.30 launch which brought off crewmen from the German ships. There were eighteen Germans in the launch, and the women had taken a taxi into the town with the ship’s Captain and one of his officers.
    “How did you know it was the Captain?”
    “The women spoke English. One called him ‘Captain Lindemann,’ the other ‘Kurt.’ He’s Kurt Lindemann, master of the Hagenfels .”
    “How do you know that, David?”
    “ Ich spreche Deutsch. The launch’s coxswain asked what time the Herr Kapitän would like to be taken off to the Hagenfels . Lindemann said midnight.”
    Johan le Roux rubbed his hands. “Tell him about the lovelies, David.”
    “One of them lives with us. She’s staying at the Cardoso.We’re like that.” Rohrbach held up two fingers. “Two nights ago she drank with us and swopped news. She’s single, lives with Pa and Ma on a sisal estate in northern Mozambique. Down here on holiday. She was at school on the Reef. A convent where many Portuguese girls go. Speaks good English.”
    The Newt whistled. “Blimey. You’re a fast lot. She talk about Lindemann?”
    “Not really. Why should she tell us her private life. We’d just met.”
    “Did she see you two at the launch?”
    “Sure. Smiled sweetly. Didn’t she, Johan?”
    “Might be useful,” said the Newt. “I take it you’ll follow up?”
    “Sure. Sure. Seeing her tomorrow. Nice girl, isn’t she, Johan?”
    “Fabulous! Our Mariotta Pereira.”
    The Newt plugged on. “The other bloke in the taxi with them. Who was he?”

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