The Sensual Revolution

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Book: The Sensual Revolution by Kayler Holmes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayler Holmes
when he drove me over to the house and gave me the key to my apartment. My Mum had been growing increasingly more annoyed with what she called my delinquency and apparently had urged my Dad to charge me rent for staying there. With his usual calm wisdom (and possibly influenced that I seemed to be his favourite) though, instead of charging me rent for the apartment he gave me the job as the caretaker. There were only three other apartments and I had helped create them so it wasn’t a hard job and I still had plenty of time to finish my training and do my other jobs.
    Apart from location little changed after that. The most significant was that I had to take more and more “jobs” to pay for my increasing habit and on looking good as well as bills from the apartment, my Dad agreed to give me the apartment rent free, but supported my Mum in her theory that a little responsibility would settle me down so I have to pay the bills and taxes on the property if I wanted to live there. At first it was really hard and I struggled to even get enough to eat. I still went round for Sunday lunch and my parents carried on giving me my “pocket money” and some food and stuff but there were many times when I could buy drugs, smokes and booze or food and so the food in the bag would have to last me a week.
    It was a weird time, I always went to work, the company I had apprenticed with gave me a job when the apprenticeship was over, they were always really impressed by how good my work was: drugs, booze, women, smokes, it didn’t matter, none of that ever affected my work. Once I was on the construction site I was a new man, eager to learn, hardworking and completely committed to my job. I loved it. And then evenings, weekends, holidays I was off at huge parties or taking road trips to far of places with packages to deliver for the “Big Man”. I didn’t always know what was in those packages, I assumed drugs but it could have been anything, I just didn’t care, as long as it paid well.
    Although I had a reputation for being a bit of a nutter (I used to fight lots too) the Big Boss trusted me, because no matter what happened I never squealed. If fate had not been my friend again I would probably still be using drugs, supplying them to others and who knows what else.
    It was about this time that I first met Lauren. She started going to all the same parties as we did and gradually became part of our circle. She was a really shy little thing, tiny with chestnut hair and brown eyes. She was very pretty but I didn’t try anything on with her strangely. She brought out the need to protect her in me and the main person I needed to protect her from was me.
    Well everything came to a head one August night when the police did a huge bust on the Big Man’s place. There was a massive fight and several people got either injured or killed, perhaps you remember reading about it in the papers? It was all over the news. With Lady Luck so firmly in my pocket I was protected again, however because I wasn’t there when it happened.
    Lauren had been having a hard time with some guys at the bakery she worked in and I had gone to meet her late at night to show some arm to them, threaten or beat them into leaving her alone and to take her home. These guys as it turned out were dough boys though, (excuse the pun) and it didn’t take much to send them running, tails between their legs yelling promises over their shoulders that they wouldn’t so much as look at Lauren again.
    Needless to say she was very grateful.
    In the car driving to her house we first heard the news about the raid and it left us both speechless. The newsreader went on to list the injured and killed a big list including one police officer dead, a WPC it seemed although I couldn’t imagine anyone there that I knew attacking a woman. We have this unwritten rule, do whatever you like but you don’t touch women, children or animals. I never did find out what had happened to her, no one

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