The Sex MANual: Uncensored

The Sex MANual: Uncensored by Desiree Dean Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Sex MANual: Uncensored by Desiree Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Dean
tell you. You might never give her oral sex and that is what she craves the most but she never tells you. Since some women have a hard time asking for oral sex, it is best that you just go down there and do it. Not only will you please her, but also by giving her oral sex, you put the thought in her mind and guaranteed she will want to reciprocate. You not only give your woman intense pleasure but you also get some oral out of it yourself – what more could you want?
    When it comes to oral sex, a lot of men feel totally clueless. They don’t know how to properly stimulate the clitoris, where their tongue should go, if they should incorporate their fingers and so on and so forth. Not knowing what you are doing during oral makes you feel totally inadequate and it also turns your woman off. She might be so ready to feel your tongue trace between her legs but as soon as it does, she might be thinking “What is he doing?” or “Does he know that this doesn’t feel good?” You don’t want to be like a deer in headlights when going south on your woman so you need to make a change. You need to learn everything about oral sex so you can give your woman an orgasm so good, she will be bragging to her friends for months to come.
    Remember that you can do many things with oral sex. You don’t have to use it as a means to and end and use it as the main event for the evening. You can perform oral sex on your woman as foreplay and as a prelude to the main event. There are many things that can be done with oral and it’s time that you explored them. In order to help you on your journey to being a sex god in the bedroom, here is a helpful guide to make you become a master at oral sex:
    As always, start off with foreplay. You should have memorized this step by now. Use some of the foreplay techniques that you learned earlier in order to really get her going. Pacing is key so again, start slow and gradually work your way to using some power and fast techniques on her. One of the best ways to prep her for pleasure for oral is to trace your tongue all over her body. Let your tongue play with hers in her mouth for a bit, then down to her neck, her breasts, nipples, stomach, thighs and so on. This will get her ready and wanting your tongue down between her legs even more. If she can feel your tongue on other parts of her body, she will be begging to feel it down there. Tease her before you please her.
    Now that you have your woman prepped and ready, it is time that you began going down on her. Remember to go slow as always. This is the key. She is so super sensitive down there and if you start out too forceful, it might not end well. Start with some wide strokes down there. You will want to use the flat side of your tongue. Lick down from by her anus all the way up to her clitoris. This will get her even wetter and it is a great way to start off. After a few licks, she will ease into stimulation and her body won’t be so tight. Sometimes, women can react really highly to oral sex in the beginning and they might need a little break. That is okay and it is perfectly natural. It doesn’t mean that you are doing anything wrong. Just go slower and softer if need be and go off of how her body reacts. Once her back isn’t arched and she is looser in her limbs, that is when you can start picking up the pace.
    The best way to give her oral sex is to use your tongue in many ways. Your tongue is versatile and capable of stimulating her with all sorts of different methods. You can use the tip of your tongue to direct pleasure on the clitoris. You can also use the flat side of your tongue and give her softer stimulation. The possibilities are endless and it is time that you explored them. As always, start slow and use your tongue to give her wide strokes on her clitoris. After you have gone up and down a few times on her all over, you will want to keep your focus on the clitoris. This is a common mistake that a lot of men make. A lot of men will

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