The Sheikh's Green Card Bride

The Sheikh's Green Card Bride by Holly Rayner, Lara Hunter Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Sheikh's Green Card Bride by Holly Rayner, Lara Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Rayner, Lara Hunter
space of a few hours, my family lost everything. So don’t tell me I don’t know a woman who can value love above possessions. When you lose everything, sometimes love is all you have left. My family never blamed me for what happened, and I’ll be forever grateful to them for that.”
    They sat in silence for some time. Finally, Bahir sighed.
    “Thank you for sharing that with me. Sometimes I forget that the world is a much bigger place than I can fathom, and that every story is different.”
    “Well, it helps to be so busy I never have time to think about my problems, so I guess I have you to thank for that,” Nicole said.
    A little voice in her head told her she should stop talking. She was rambling about love and nonsense.
    Bahir sighed. “You can just say I’m overworking you, Nicole. There’s no need to beat around the bush about it.”
    “What?” she asked, not expecting that answer.
    “You shrugged off my question about your love life because you don’t want to admit that I don’t allow you the time you need to find someone. Admit it,” he said, pointing a fork at her.
    “This isn’t about me,” Nicole deflected. “This is about you and your paramours. I’m just saying you should leave that girl alone, because she expects more from you than you can give. Stick to business, and maybe then you’ll stop leaving behind a string of broken hearts for me to clean up.”
    They ate in silence for a few moments, collecting their thoughts. It was the most honest conversation they’d ever had, and Nicole wondered just how far she would have to go to get him to fire her. If he did, would the other firm give her an offer in time? Was there really anything she could say to push him over the edge? Bahir, the unflappable businessman?
    Bahir sighed. “Well maybe I should just marry her. My visa situation is a mess and I might not even be granted access to America again. Maybe I should just settle here; buy a boat and fish for the rest of my life.”
    Nicole laughed at this, picturing Bahir in a fisherman’s overalls, casting lines out to sea. She took another bite, her belly starting to feel full.
    “You know you’re rich, right? I know we just talked about it, but you’re used to getting your way, Bahir. Yes, this might take some time, or maybe a little creative thinking, but with your kind of money, you can make anything happen.”
    Bahir stared at her, then, a funny expression on his face.
    Nicole’s hand shot up to her lips. “What? Is there something on my face?” she asked.
    The corner of Bahir’s lip twitched, his dimple threatening to come up to the surface. “No, there’s nothing. It’s just—”
    Bahir didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence. Abdul the cook had come out from the kitchens to say hello.
    He turned to Nicole after shaking Bahir’s hand. “This young man used to come to our restaurant every summer with his family. Very nice people, the Al-Jabbars, very nice. You eat on the house today. We’re grateful for your patronage!”
    Bahir put up his hands. “Absolutely not. I would find it a great insult if I could not provide payment to you for your exceptional service. Please allow me to feel that my gratitude has been adequately received.”
    Akilah grinned. Nicole could tell that was the answer she was hoping for, and Farah pulled a bill from her front apron, placing it on the table.
    “Whenever you are ready then, Bahir. Remember, you’re welcome back any time, and bring lots of friends!”
    “I will,” Bahir promised, though Nicole wondered just what friends he had to bring; she had never seen him with anyone other than business partners.
    When they left the table, she reached out to grab the bill, used to handling these things while Bahir kept the conversation flowing. Her hand collided with his. Glancing up, their gazes met and held, as their hands continued to touch.

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