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these two groups was allowed additional olive oil (1 liter—about a quart—per week), and the other was allowed additional nuts (30 grams—about 1 ounce—per day). The results: Both groups following the Mediterranean diet had better blood sugar, better blood pressure, and better ratios of good HDL to bad LDL cholesterol than those in the low-fat group. Those following the Mediterranean diet also had a reduction in C-reactive protein, a measure of inflammation, in their blood. (You can read about the health implications of inflammation in Chapter 6 .)
Low-glycemic best against insulin resistance. Studies comparing the low-glycemic approach to other diets have confirmed our good results. In a 2007 study led by nutrition pioneer David S. Ludwig, MD, at Children’s Hospital Boston, 73 obese young adults were placed on either the standard low-fat diet or a low-glycemic diet. All the participants were tested before the study to determine whether they were high-insulin secretors, which would mean that they would be especially sensitive to high-glycemic foods. These same people would be likely candidates for prediabetes (metabolic syndrome). After 18 months on the diet, the high-insulin secretors lost more than 12 pounds on the low-glycemic diet. Those on the low-fat diet lost only 2.6 pounds. Those following the low-glycemic diet also lost more body fat and, remarkably, did not regain any weight. Both the high-insulin secretors and those with normal insulin response did better on the low-glycemic diet than on the low-fat diet in terms of two important numbers: Their HDL, or good cholesterol, went up, and their triglyceride levels went down.
Support from around the world. In a 2007 Australian study, researchers at Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Sydney, Australia, reviewed six randomized control trials from Australia, France, South Africa, Denmark, and the United States, comparing low-glycemic diets with other diets. They found the low-glycemic diets to be more effective in terms of overall weight loss and a decrease in body fat. Furthermore, those on the low-glycemic diets had a greater reduction in overall cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol.
I could cite many other studies, but they all tell the same story. Healthcare professionals universally agree that our focus should be on nutrient-dense, fiber-rich carbohydrates; healthy sources of unsaturated fats; low-fat dairy; and lean sources of protein. The principles of the South Beach Diet are here to stay.
Over the past decade, the South Beach Diet has helped millions of people lose weight. For many, following the diet was the first step toward adapting a healthy way of life. Many of them also went on to engage in some form of regular physical exercise, often for the first time in their lives. (I wish they all had.)
There’s no question that being active is key to maintaining a healthy weight. And the good news is that even the busiest individuals can fit exercise into a South Beach Diet lifestyle. Just as I have learned more about the nutritional value of certain foods in the last 5 years, I have also learned what type of exercise is best for revving up your metabolism and speeding weight loss. And working exercise into your life is a lot easier than you might think. Just turn to Chapter 4 .
Louisa O., age 38: Lost 50 Pounds of Pregnancy Weight
I’ve been struggling with my weight problem since I was young. I’d tried all kinds of diets: the string bean diet, the cabbage diet, the soup diet. You name it, I’d tried it. They all worked for a while, but I always gained the weight back.
I gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy, and I couldn’t seem to take it off. After 3 years of breastfeeding, I was still 40 pounds overweight. I was wearing size 14 and couldn’t fit into anything smaller than an XL. I love fashionable clothes and looking good, and I wasn’t able to find anything I liked in my size. I looked years older