The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)

The Star (The Way in marked cards #2) by Andreia Koslowski Read Free Book Online

Book: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2) by Andreia Koslowski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andreia Koslowski
the canvas with emotional traits. The colors were bright, the light, and the emotion overflowed in that moment.
It was late when she realized that the finished the painting. Turned away from the

screen ... she did not believed that had painted without interruptions. Now your mind does not remember more of Mark ... neither of your words.


The destiny is the fulfilling of the law
of cause and effect.
This is a moment to look at things
through a highest point of view.
Each one is responsible for
your own destiny.

"Come stai? - Said Claudia, vibrant, in Italian. "
"Glad you came back!" - Isadora said, opening the door for her friend.
The two hugged and Claudia did not fail to express the admiration for the frame that saw in the room.
"Where you bought this screen?"
"I did!"
"Really? You must get out that coffee shop now! You need to expose your work! Your inspiration came back! "- Claudia said hugging her friend proudly.
"I need more time ... but now tell me ... how has been Italy?"
"I'm in love! I met one fantastic Italian boy in the exposure, and wants to know Brazil with me, we are planning a trip! "
"Honey, time is not wasted. When the emotions are surfacing, do not give room for doubt, if not the magic is lost! "
"I know ... I think that I do not remember what it is to be in love."
"Be peaceful, you will soon meet a special man ... now, let me tell you everything!"
Claudia was telling to Isadora all the details of the trip, the exposure and about her new love. Isadora was glad to see her friend and happy reminded how meet her, and how the life gave many twists and turns. The brightness of her eyes describing the love sensations make Isadora believe that love, yes it is possible!
The next morning, Isadora receives the connection of Fernanda.
"I'm calling to say goodbye, I'm coming back to Brazil!"
"Bon voyage! I will come back soon too! "
"I hope to see you soon ... and exposing your frames. You are more than a attendent in the coffee shop! "
"Thank you my friend! Soon you will have news of an exhibition ... time to time! "
"Alright! So ... "Hasta la vista", my friend!"
" Hasta la vista ", my friend! We'll talk soon! "
Isadora was saddened to know that her friend would not be around anymore, but knew that each one need following opposite ways. The day passed quickly and took advantage of that left earlier to walk a little lonely. Walking, she realized that Granada was rich in monuments and in the horizon the white peaks of the Sierra Nevada created a unique atmosphere. Isadora feeling the breeze pass through her face, and the heat of the summer made her feel like part of the whole. Far away, through the palace and gardens of Alhambra, something enigmatic made Isadora stop and contemplate.
"I want to know this place. Should be amazing! "- Said to herself, while ohava to the palace without blinking.
When she came home , Claudia was waiting with one news.
"I need to talk with you!"
"Sure, say it!"
“ I'm going to Brazil next week and do not know when I'll be back."
"Why? Did something happen? "
"I feel that it is time to Jump, and I do not feel good with my visa expired. Let's go with me? "
"I can not right now ..."
"I think you should back to painting. It is your true job, and not working in a coffee shop. "
"I need more time here. But soon I will be coming back. "
"I'm going with my boyfriend and we will make one travel, he still does not know Brazil."
"How wonderful!"
"I will leave these days paid, do not worry!"
"I will miss!"
"Me too!"
"And, in your days off, take one opportunity to painting. I have another exhibition in two months and I want that you expose your work with me. "
"I promise I will do my best!"
"I trust you!"
"Tomorrow is my day off, let's take a walk around. I want to know a little more the city before I go."
The next morning they left early to explore the city.
"Granada is no doubt a special place. Feel the atmosphere of this city. The Alhambra Palace and the

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