The Stranger: The Heroes of Heyday (Harlequin Superromance No. 1266)

The Stranger: The Heroes of Heyday (Harlequin Superromance No. 1266) by Kathleen O`Brien Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Stranger: The Heroes of Heyday (Harlequin Superromance No. 1266) by Kathleen O`Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen O`Brien
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Virginia
    â€œOkay,” he said in his typical laid-back style. He was the only man she’d ever known who wouldn’t ask why. “Want to come get it now? I’d come there, but I can’t leave for another hour or two.”
    She knew where he was, of course. He was always at the country club’s bar, the Gilly Wagon, after four o’clock, when he finished his last hole of golf for the day. He played poker, flirted with the married women,watched CNN and drank ginger ale for at least three hours every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday and Saturdays he switched to beer and single women.
    And no one could tell him to leave. He’d single-handedly built the Gilly Wagon with the proceeds from his crazy idea for fake fingernails made of candy.
    â€œYou’ve got that much money on you?”
    He chuckled. “Well, you know. In case I have to flee the country unexpectedly, that kind of thing. Come on over.”
    â€œI guess I could,” she’d said. Wally could close up. “But, are you alone?”
    â€œNo. But I am amazingly discreet. Never fear, Mallory dear. The hand is quicker than the eye.”
    And so here she was, parking the car at the country club and heading into the Gilly Wagon, which at this hour would, she hoped, be mostly empty.
    It was. Other than a foursome in the corner arguing about how many strokes it had taken one of them at the ninth hole, Roddy and Kieran were the only ones there.
    She said hi to the bartender, who doubled as the waiter and was hurrying over to seat her. She waved him off, pointing toward Roddy. The man nodded gratefully and went back behind the bar to finish washing the glasses for the coming rush.
    â€œHi, guys,” she said as she approached the table. Kieran, that handsome, golden-haired sweetie, half rose immediately and gave her a kiss.
    She hugged him briefly. “Where’s Claire?”
    Kieran chuckled. “She said she’d rather stick bamboo shoots under her fingernails than be a part of this little adventure of Roddy’s. But I assume she’s not actually doing that. She’s probably rolling Stephanie around the park, trying to get her to go to sleep.”
    â€œRoddy’s little adventure?” Mallory turned to Roddy with a smile, noticing that he hadn’t bothered to rise, leaving the graceful manners to Kieran.
    Roddy Hartland was nowhere nearly as classically handsome as the McClintocks, with his freckles and his unruly brown curls, but he was pretty darn sexy, once you saw the intelligent laughter in his eyes and the easy tolerance in his smile. And he had a wonderful, strong body.
    Mallory and Roddy dated each other more often than either of them dated anyone else, but they both understood it would never come to anything. Though no words had ever been spoken on the subject, she knew that he’d always been half in love with Mindy. Sadly, the ten-year age difference had proved fatal. Roddy wasn’t willing to declare himself and risk rejection. Mindy, young and self-absorbed, had never even guessed.
    â€œWhat trouble are you trying to stir up today?”
    Roddy blinked innocently. “Trouble? Gosh, you say that like I do it all the time.”
    â€œThat’s because you do,” Kieran put in, his mouth full of ice. He held out his empty drink. The bartender nodded and turned to retrieve the bottle of importedsingle malt Scotch whiskey they kept on hand solely for the McClintocks, who might not be the only ones in Heyday who could appreciate it, but were just about the only ones who could afford it.
    Kieran turned his gorgeous blue eyes toward Mallory. “Don’t tell Claire I was drinking. But this is one stunt I just can’t pull sober.”
    â€œYou’re not pulling it, you coward.” Roddy shook his head. “I am.”
    Mallory growled. “Will someone please tell me what’s going on?”
    Kieran waved the question to Roddy, who grinned

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