The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted

The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted by K.K. Allen Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted by K.K. Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.K. Allen
strange. But now I know
there’s no way getting out of this one.
    And that’s the end of the conversation. Charlotte
interrupts us moments later to inform Rose that she has a meeting at the
Community Center in 30 minutes.

Chapter Four
    “I’m ready whenever you are.” I say to Charlotte as
I carefully touch down at the bottom of the staircase.
    Charlotte is taking me into town for our shopping
trip. After the previous day, spending time with my grandmother and learning
about the Summer family history, I’m ready to get out of the house.
    In less then ten minutes, we are pulling out of the
driveway in the Escalade. I wonder if this is Charlotte’s car or my
grandmothers. I guess it doesn’t really matter but over the past few days,
living with Charlotte hasn’t been as weird as I originally thought. She is easy
to get along with, respectful of my privacy, and a perfect balance for my
whimsical grandmother.
    Another dream haunted me last night but it was more
of a jumble of illusions stemming from other dreams. The sand. The smoke. The
necklace. The reflection. The cake. Charlotte was by my side again, whispering
quiet, soothing words. Her presence calmed me and allowed for a better sleep.
    “Where would you like to go first? I say we get you
an outfit for the party.” Charlotte smiles at me now. She looks almost excited
to take me out of the house. I realize she probably doesn’t get to hang out
with anyone other than Rose.
    I shrug. “I don’t really need a new outfit.”
    Charlotte makes a noise. “Don’t let Rose hear you
say that. This is her present to you, her way of bonding with you. You should
humor her at least.”
    “Then why isn’t she here?” As soon as I realize
that I’ve said this out loud, I jerk my head up towards Charlotte.
    She looks as though she’s trying to find an answer
to the question. I’m about to apologize when she finally speaks. “Rose doesn’t
leave Apollo Beach.”
    I make a face, more curious now than ever. What
does that mean? Charlotte continues. “Your mom may have never told you, but
Rose has always thought about you and wanted to be a part of your life. She
would be here today if she could.” Charlotte sighs. “I don’t want to speak on
it, it’s really not my place. But let’s try to make the best of today
okay? Find a few things to appease
your grandmother and everyone will win from it.”
    Frowning, I nod, knowing she is right. “Okay, I
guess a new outfit won’t kill me.” Charlotte’s cheekbones heighten at my
    “We’ll go school shopping later. Today we’ll just
get you one nice dress for Saturday – and maybe a pair of shoes. And some
jewelry.” Charlotte continues to rattle of items excitedly and I can’t help but
laugh. Maybe today won’t be so bad after all.
    The shops in Brandon are supposed to be the best,
according to Rose. Apparently everyone in Apollo Beach goes to Brandon during
the summer, just to get away from the inter-coastal city.
    Three dresses, matching shoes, two purses, and a
mini treasure chest of jewelry later, Charlotte assures me that I need a new
bathing suit, a pair of jeans, and a work out suit for my runs. How Charlotte
knows that I run is yet another mystery.
    As we shove our bags in the back of the car I think
of the bookstore we passed earlier.
    Charlotte slams the rear door and faces me. “I
forgot. I need to run back in to buy some makeup. Then we’ll grab lunch a bit
closer to home. You want to join me or meet up in an hour?”
    Perfect. “I’ll meet you in an hour. I’m just going to go
check out the bookstore.”
    Charlotte smiles. “Sure, sure. Here.” She hands me
a wad of bills and steps away towards her cosmetics store. “Just in case. Call
me if you need me.” She points to my clutch purse that holds my new iPhone.
    Last night Charlotte came home with a cell phone
for me. I was up until midnight trying to learn how to use it. I’d only ever
had a house phone with actual buttons.

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