The Sweet Taste of Murder: An Angel Lake Mystery

The Sweet Taste of Murder: An Angel Lake Mystery by CeeCee James Read Free Book Online

Book: The Sweet Taste of Murder: An Angel Lake Mystery by CeeCee James Read Free Book Online
Authors: CeeCee James
    “Yep. I cut the hair until it’s just right. Like doing a math problem. Can’t stop until it’s perfect. Hair cutting has been the only thing to really help me with my OCD ways.” Carla reached for the hair dryer and a round brush.
    With the dryer going Elise settled back into her thoughts. So, if it was true Cameron was murdered, why was no one else talking about it?
    Carla quickly spun the chair back to face the mirror.
    “Honey, you like that? What do you think?”
    Elise felt her eyes widen. Definitely not a trim. Cautiously she reached up to touch her newly layered cut, resting now just against her collarbones. Mark would’ve freaked if she’d ever cut her hair this short before.
    “Shake it, honey. See how it feels.”
    Elise gave her head a slow shake. The hair moved and settled back into perfect waves. A smile crept across her face. “I love it.”

    E lise rounded the corner and jogged up the street lined with quaint houses and white picket fences. Gingerbread Lane, she’d called it as a kid, and had always wanted to live there. Quickly, she jogged past three brown houses and one brick to turn down her friend’s driveway.
    Lavina sat on the porch wearing a wide brimmed sunhat. She lifted a frosted glass of tea in greeting as Elise puffed up the stairs.
    “Well, now. That’s a cute little haircut. Finally decided to doll yourself up, I see.” Lavina cast a critical eye at Elise’s yoga pants. “But we must do something about your wardrobe choice.”
    Elise flipped her hair off her shoulder and shook it, relishing the cool breeze on the back of her neck. “I’ll admit, I love it. And you leave my clothing alone.”
    “You look a bit hot, darlin’. You run all the way here? I don’t know what’s gotten into you with all this exercising business.” Lavina wrinkled her nose. “Makes you all sweaty and stuff. Sweet tea?”
    “How’d you know I was coming?” Elise collapsed onto the wooden steps with a sigh. Leaning back against the porch pillar, she eyed the extra glass as Lavina filled it from the pitcher.
    “Oh, honey, I knew someone would be showing up, and I always like to be prepared.” She passed the glass down to Elise. “If the goal was to get your new hairdo hot and sweaty, well sugar, there are better ways. Now, what else have you been up to today?”
    “Just trying to get ready for that 5k next month. By the way, I heard some good gossip at the hair salon today. You know that guy, Frank? The one the grocery clerk was talking about? Works at the pest control?”
    “Oh, sure. I know Frank. He used to work at the gas station. The last time I saw him, he gave me a wink like there was no tomorrow. He shone his flashlight in my face and offered to check under my hood.” Lavina sniffed. “Of course, I told him where he could stick his teeny weenie Maglite.”
    “Lavina!” Elise laughed. “You are such a flirt.”
    Lavina puckered her lips for a fresh application of Auburn Red glossy lipstick. “Now, don’t be jealous. It’s not a good look for you.”
    “Jealous of what?”
    “I’ve still got it. And, you are the one in definite need of a man.” Lavina ran her fingers through her hair before scrunching up one of her red curls.
    Elise rolled her eyes. “Anyway, according to the gossip, they think he might have killed Cameron.”
    “Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving man.”
    “You are insufferable. The point is, do you think Frank knocked him off? Because we already have a half-a-dozen why’s.”
    Lavina nodded. “A glorious man like that? Hard to believe.” She counted reasons off on her fingers. “Scum bag. Cheat. Fraud. Misogynistic. Cheapskate. Abandoned his child. Correction, children.”
    “He may be all those things.” Elise sighed. “Never mind, he was all those things. But did he deserve to be dumped like a mud slurping carp into a Mercedes to be hit by a train?”
    Lavina arched one perfectly manicured eyebrow. “It does

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