The Third Key (The Alaesha Legacy Book 1)

The Third Key (The Alaesha Legacy Book 1) by Samantha Warren Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Third Key (The Alaesha Legacy Book 1) by Samantha Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Warren
here. He saw you. There is only one reason I would be hanging out with humans. The only question he has now is which one of you is the Keeper." The Alaeshan's face was crestfallen as he leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling.
    Edith inhaled deeply. She was in a lot deeper than she ever thought possible and she was still so confused as to what was going on. But there was little she could do being locked in a freezer. "So what do we do now?"
    "We wait. There's no back door. We're stuck here until he leaves or help comes."
    "What do you mean by help?" Alex had perked up.
    Charles met his eyes squarely. "Edith and Dana are no longer safe here. It's time for them to leave."
    The younger man wrapped an arm protectively around the former Keeper. "You're not taking my girlfriend anywhere without me."
    Charles pushed away from the wall and opened his mouth to say something, but he shut it just as quickly, nodding once as he averted his gaze. Edith eyed them both, thinking Charles's easy assent strange, but she didn't press the issue. The space was too small to handle an all-out argument.
    The minutes ticked by. Dana pulled out her phone and tried to get a signal, but none was to be had. An hour and a half later, they were still waiting. Edith and Dana had slid to the floor and were playing a game on Dana's phone while the boys remained standing, glaring at each other on occasion. Propped against the door, Edith felt the shudder before they heard the loud boom.

    Chapter 6
    Her teeth rattled in her head as the vibrations shook the heavy metal door. A loud thump sounded through the wall, followed quickly by smaller, but no less frightening booms.
    "Are those explosions?" Edith was on her feet in a flash, pressed against the wall furthest from the door.
    Charles had exactly the opposite reaction. He had his ear pressed to the smooth metal, straining to hear sounds on the other side. "In a way. They sounded like magical explosions. Depending on who is using them and why. There may be no physical damage, but it's unlikely that everyone walked away unhurt. Reformers are not known for their gentle ways."
    Edith ran a hand over her face and sighed. "Remind me never to pick up any random keys again."
    The grin she received from the Alaeshan almost made the trouble worth it. Almost.
    Charles had his back to the door when it opened. Dust and smoke filtered through the ever increasing gap. He lunged at Edith, pressing her against the wall, keeping his body between her and the door as he took a fighter's stance: fists up, knees bent, snarl on his face. The haze broke as a portly body stepped through and rested its hands on its hips.
    "Now none of that, lad. I nearly just blew my cover for ya and almost took out the whole block. The least you could do is show a little respect."
    Charles's relief was audible and he stood straight, advancing quickly to the old man. The chef returned the younger man's brief hug before shooing him away. "Let me get a look at the young lass who seems to be causing such trouble in my quiet little corner of the world."
    He stepped forward, appraising Edith with a critical eye. She felt like a slab of meat he was getting ready to butcher until he nodded. "She looks sturdy enough. Seems smart enough, too. Scared, I can sense the fear. But not falling apart with terror like some Keepers we've had." He shot a brief glance at Dana, who blushed and bowed her head. His eyes settled on Alex. "Who's that?"
    "Dana's boyfriend." Charles offered no further information, but the distaste bled into his voice.
    "Why's he here?"
    "He was there when Edith found the key, and he insists that he won't let Dana out of his sight."
    The chef cocked an eyebrow. "Chivalrous." He turned his attention back to Edith. "Come, lass. Time to get going."
    They followed the balding head out into the freezer and beyond into the storage area. Items had fallen to the floor and some shelves were knocked askew or tipped over

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