The Third Key (The Alaesha Legacy Book 1)

The Third Key (The Alaesha Legacy Book 1) by Samantha Warren Read Free Book Online

Book: The Third Key (The Alaesha Legacy Book 1) by Samantha Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Warren
pointing a finger at the younger man.
    Alex's lips snapped shut and his face reddened, whether in anger or embarrassment at being reprimanded, Edith couldn't tell.
    "First question?"
    Ignoring the irate Alex and the melancholic Dana, she turned to the stranger beside her. The more she looked at him, the more she was drawn to him. His lips were exactly the right size, his hair just long enough to run your fingers through. If it was a disguise, he put a lot of thought into it.
    "Um, well. I guess my first question is are you going to train me like you did Dana?"
    He took a sip of his soda. "Yes. Not to the same extent, obviously. She's been in training since before she could walk. But we will teach you basic defenses and some offensive skills. And I'll have to get you a dagger."
    "A dagger?" Edith paled at the thought of carrying a deadly weapon around on her person. She was about as clumsy as they come. She imagined herself slicing a finger off the moment she touched a weapon.
    "Yes, my dear. A knife. You need to be prepared at all times."
    She shifted her gaze to Dana who was plucking apart a sugar packet and idly swirling the sweet stuff around the table with a finger.
    "But Dana doesn't carry a knife, does she?"
    A knowing smile broke across the cheerleader's face as her eyes met Edith's. Dropping her temporary toy, she placed the fingers of one hand on her opposite wrist and dug. Much to Edith's horror, the flesh began to peel back, revealing a super thin blade.
    "It's called a skin sheath. It was invented by the Alaeshans. Marvelous, isn't it?" She indicated a spot close to her elbow. "It goes up to here. I have one on my leg, too. They're almost invisible. They wouldn't be noticeable to the average human, but if someone wearing one dies, it needs to be removed before the autopsy starts. That would open a whole can of worms if one was discovered."
    To hear the preppy girl discuss something like a knife in her skin so nonchalantly only added another element of the surreal to Edith's day. She was pretty sure that, at this point, she could believe that Big Foot was real and aliens did exist.
    "But you go through the metal detector at school every day. How do you not get caught?"
    Charles smiled. "Alaeshan metal is not like yours. It is undetectable by your systems and ten times stronger. No chance of her ever being detected by current human methods."
    Nodding with only half understanding, Edith was grateful that the food arrived. She picked up her sandwich and took a bite. It really was the most delicious food she'd ever tasted. Her taste buds exploded with happiness as she savored the meaty goodness. That is, until she noticed the rest of the table watching her intently.
    "What?" she asked around a mouthful of turkey and bacon.
    Dana smiled. "You sounded like you were enjoying that, but considering we're in public, you might want to keep the moaning to a minimum."
    Edith's face flooded with color and she set the sandwich down. "Sorry," she mumbled. Her stomach started doing flips and she lost her appetite.
    She felt an elbow gently poke her in the side. "Happens to everyone, pet," Charles said as he leaned over her slightly to swipe a fry from her plate. "The chef is Alaeshan and has a knack for food," he whispered in her ear before pulling back and stuffing a crispy piece of potato in his mouth. He grinned at her around the goo and her nose wrinkled involuntarily.
    The others started eating and after a minute of watching them, she couldn't resist any longer. This time, however, she was careful not to get lost in the food. Instead, she focused her attention on the diner around her. Happy chatter wafted through the air along with old-time music from the 50s. All the other diners seemed to be jovial and talkative. Strangers seated near each other struck up random conversations, even sharing food on occasion. Only her table was quiet and reserved.
    She looked at Charles. He was watching her as he ate. Finishing a mouthful, he

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