The Tin Star

The Tin Star by J. L. Langley Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Tin Star by J. L. Langley Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. L. Langley
man’s own horse hostage.
    “He can’t do that!” Jamie paced rapidly. Fred came up to him, stopping him in mid-stride, and whined, apparently attuned to his mood. He patted her head absently and turned back to John and Ethan. “Can he do that? I mean, can he actually get away with that?”
    John shrugged. “Probably. He’s the one who actually bought George and you know what they say about possession being nine tenths of the law.”
    Damn, this sucked! Ethan stood up and walked toward his office, leaving the brothers alone for a minute. Poor baby! All this just because he’d tried to be honest with his family ...
    Whoa! Ethan stopped. Where the hell had that thought come from? Poor baby? Oh, no, no! Jamie wasn’t his lover yet and he damned sure wasn’t poor or a baby ...
    Ethan shook his head to clear it and continued to the brandy decanter. He poured a splash into a tumbler, then returned to the living room. The brothers were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Fred was at Jamie’s feet with her chew toy, chomping happily away. Ethan strode over to Jamie and pressed the glass into his hand. “Drink up.”
    Jamie gulped the contents back, then coughed. He wiped his forehead and handed the glass back. “Thanks.”
    “Welcome.” Ethan set the glass on the coffee table.
    “How much does he want for her?” Jamie mumbled.
    “Ten thousand.”
    Jamie shot to his feet. “I don’t have that kind of money, damn it!”
    John looked up at his brother. “I know. That’s not really the issue. I’d already planned on buying her for you, but I had to tell you how Daddy is behaving.”
    Ethan walked behind the couch, put his hand on Jamie’s shoulder and pushed him back down onto the couch. “Don’t worry about it, John. I’ll write you a check before you go home and you can bring her here tomorrow, or I’ll come get her.”
    Jamie glanced up at him. “Ethan, I can’t ask you to do that.”
    “You didn’t ask. I volunteered. You work for me and you need a mount, end of story. Besides, this will keep John and your dad from going at it. I dare say he wouldn’t think too kindly of John buying George for you anyway.”
    Jamie nodded, eyes glistening. “Thanks.” He stood up. “Come on, Fred.” He walked toward the stairs, shoulders slumped. “I’m going to bed.”
    Ethan and John watched him leave.
    Damn Jacob Killian! Something told Ethan that Jamie would be staying at the Tin Star for good. And strangely enough, all he could feel was a sense of relief.

Chapter Five
    Jamie woke up a little disoriented.
    Where in the hell am I? Oh, yeah, his daddy had kicked him out. Not only that, now he was refusing to let him have his horse. Why had he ever thought his father would take his announcement without a problem? Sure, Daddy had always favored John, but he’d thought he had loved him, too. How could anybody disown their own flesh and blood? At least his brother and sister were on his side, offering their love and support. When he’d spoken to his sister, Julia had even gone so far as to say that she wasn’t speaking to their father until he came to his senses.
    Maybe Daddy would get over it ... eventually, but Jamie was no longer quite able to believe that. He wasn’t stupid -- maybe a little naïve at times, but not stupid. The possibility was very real that his dad might never accept him. Surely Julia realized that, too? He knew John did, because he was looking for a new foreman. Even if it was at their father’s demand, he’d indicated as much. That had hurt more than Jamie wanted to admit.
    Damn. It was times like this that he really missed Mama. She’d always had a way of soothing things over. She’d let Daddy pout and throw a fit for a while, but then she’d rein him in and make him do what was right. Like telling his youngest son that he still loved him, no matter what.
    Jamie sighed. This was getting him nowhere. The ball was out of his court and he needed to put it out of his mind.

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