The Tin Star

The Tin Star by J. L. Langley Read Free Book Online

Book: The Tin Star by J. L. Langley Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. L. Langley
about being tossed out on their asses. Anyway, one of the ranch hands there told John about it first thing, and he called just around the time you headed out to move the cattle.”
    Fred came to an abrupt halt, flipped her head up and let go of the ball ... which went flying into Jamie’s lap.
    Jamie sucked in air.
    Ethan’s eyes zeroed in on Jamie’s crotch. Oh, man! The green flannel drawstring pajama bottoms Jamie had put on after his shower were tented. Damn! How long has he been that way? Jamie shifted. Ethan felt his cock turning rigid at the sight of Jamie’s erection.
    He realized he was staring and looked up. Jamie cleared his throat, sat up straighter and moved his baggy white tee-shirt over to cover himself. The younger man was biting his full, bottom lip, gaze on Ethan’s face. Damn it, he was sexy!
    Ethan knew it was a bad idea, but he just had to taste that sensual mouth. He leaned forward, his lips lightly brushing Jamie’s. Jamie gasped, and before Ethan knew what hit him, Jamie had taken over, his mouth crushing his, tongue pushing for entrance. He grabbed Ethan’s face with both hands and urgently pressed his body against Ethan’s, or as near to it as he could get with them both still sitting. He was rough, aggressive, practically swallowing Ethan up as his tongue searched and caressed every bit of Ethan’s mouth. Finally, he calmed down a little, gentling the kiss, and Ethan had the chance to kiss him back at last. Jamie’s hands slid to his shoulders. Their tongues met and parried. It was like making slow and easy love. Jamie moaned.
    It was one of the most erotic things Ethan had ever heard and made him even more painfully erect. His hand slipped down to ease the restriction of his jeans. Jamie dropped his hands from Ethan’s face and pulled out of their kiss to look down at him. Ethan looked down, too, as he adjusted himself.
    Jamie moaned again, then reached out tentatively to touch Ethan through his jeans. Those clear blue eyes shot up to his, as if he were asking for permission.
    “Good God!” Ethan gasped out as Jamie squeezed; then he lost what little control he had. He pushed Jamie backward on the couch, unfortunately dislodging the grip on his cock in the process. It didn’t matter; nothing mattered except he had to feel that mouth on his again, taste Jamie again.
    He couldn’t remember wanting anyone as much as he wanted Jamie, right here, right now. He knew this wasn’t smart. Jamie was too damned young. He’d also outed himself. And, to top it all off, he was John’s brother. Still, he couldn’t help himself; the kid had had him all twisted up, albeit in a good way, ever since he’d stepped out of his truck yesterday.
    Ethan had always liked Jamie, always found him attractive, always felt mildly protective of him. But now? Now everything was so much more intense. He had no idea why things had changed. Maybe it was knowing that Jamie liked men, too. Whatever it was, Ethan knew that Jamie was his now.
    His lips found Jamie’s mouth at the same time his hand found its way inside those soft pajama bottoms. He wrapped his hand around that incredibly stiff prick and they both moaned. God, Jamie was so hard! Ethan could feel the cock pulsing against his palm.
    Jamie’s hips bucked.
    Ethan had to see him. He broke the kiss and sat back, pulling Jamie’s flannel pants down with his free hand. Jamie groaned, his pelvis pushing up again, making his dick slide in Ethan’s hand. Ethan released his grip, looking at the prize he’d claimed. It was hot to the touch and felt like velvet, and was longer than his own by about an inch or so, but not near as thick. The deep red color really stood out next to Jamie’s much paler legs, which were a sharp contrast to the dark curls above his cock. As Ethan watched, fascinated, a drop seeped from the slit and began to streak down the flared head; another soon followed. He leaned forward and caught the first drop with his tongue, then the next.

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