The Traitor
caused a minor breakdown. I suggest we see how she is in the morning and go from there. I’ve done all I can for now, but she might need to be hospitalised for a short period. I know a very good psychiatrist and I’ll leave you his card just in case you need to contact him.’
    Raymond thanked the doc and showed him to the door. Polly and her parents would be well impressed if they knew that his mother was on the verge of being shoved in a loony bin.
    When Joey returned with Bruno and Buster, Raymond spoke to him gently. ‘Listen, mate, Nanny’s fine. The doctor’s given her something to calm her down. Now I think the best thing I can do is shoot over to your grandad’s and see if I can sort things out between them. You don’t wanna be stuck here with your nan and neither do I. If Grandad comes back, he can take care of her.’
    Joey looked scared. ‘What if she wakes up while you’re gone? You’ve seen what she’s done to the shed, Ray. What if she goes off her head again?’
    ‘She won’t,’ Raymond said confidently.
    Approximately half a mile down the road, Frankie’s night was going from bad to worse. Shannon was now extremely drunk and kept throwing nasty little digs her way. Jed was oblivious to what his sister-in-law was up to. He was too wrapped up discussing business with his dad and brother. As the three men stood up to leave the table, Frankie’s heart lurched. Surely he wasn’t going to leave her alone with his mum and Shannon.
    Noticing her look of despair, Jed called her into the hallway. ‘What’s a matter, babe?’
    ‘Where you going?’ Frankie asked him fearfully.
    Jed put his arms around her and squeezed her buttocks against his groin. ‘I won’t be long. I’m only going in the lounge to have a game of cards with me dad and Bill.’
    ‘Please don’t leave me on my own, Jed. Your sister-in-law really doesn’t like me. Ever since I said I thought she was pregnant, she’s been saying horrible stuff and giving me daggers. I feel like a gooseberry with her and your mum. I don’t really know ’em that well, so can’t I just go back to the trailer?’
    Jed pulled away from her. ‘No, you can’t, Frankie. Me mum’s just cooked you dinner and if you fuck off, it’s rude. We’re living together now, so you’re gonna have to get used to our way of life. It’s the norm in travelling families for the women to sit chatting and the men to go off and do other stuff. You’ve gotta learn to mix better. If Shannon gives you a hard time, then give it to her back.’
    Frankie’s eyes welled up, but in seconds tears were replaced by fire. ‘OK, I’ll be polite, but if she keeps getting on my case, then I’ll tell her her fortune. And as for your mum telling me she needs to give me cooking lessons otherwise you’ll leave me, if she starts again, I’ll tell her an’ all.’
    Frankie went to walk away, but Jed violently yanked her back by the arm. ‘Say what you like to Shannon, but don’t you ever disrespect my mum, else you’ll have me to deal with.’
    Shocked by the way he’d grabbed her and the look on his face, Frankie lowered her eyes. ‘Of course I won’t, Jed. I’m sorry.’
    As Jed kissed her and went off to play cards, Frankie wandered back into the kitchen.
    ‘There you are,’ Alice said, patting the seat next to her.
    Shannon glared at Frankie. ‘Now you’re back, gorjer girl, I’m going outside for a smoke.’
    Alice smiled as Shannon left the room. ‘Between me and you, I’ve never liked Shannon that much. Old shitty drawers is my nickname for her. Jimmy’s great-great-grandfather was Irish, but why my Billy married an Irish tinker, I’ll never know. They ain’t decent travellers like us English ones. Scum, they are. Take no notice of her behaviour. She’s just jealous because you’re prettier than her,’ she whispered to Frankie.
    Shocked by Jed’s mother’s kindness, Frankie was lost for words. She didn’t want to involve herself too much in family

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