The Vampire's Curse, A Paranormal Romance (Undead in Brown County #2)

The Vampire's Curse, A Paranormal Romance (Undead in Brown County #2) by S.J. Wright Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Vampire's Curse, A Paranormal Romance (Undead in Brown County #2) by S.J. Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. Wright
certificate, I’m twenty three,” I replied with a faint smile, “But a lot of times I feel like a forty year old.”
    He grinned and shook his head, “You have no idea, kid.”
    “ How have you been?” I asked.
    He shrugged and pulled a couple beer mugs from the shelf over his head, “Up and down. Waiting for the fall rush, like everybody else. What do you want to drink, Sarah?”
    “ I’m thinking it’s a night for hurricanes.”
    Bill’s dark eyebrows rose, “You sure about that?”
    I thought about everything that had happened in the last few weeks. The pain, the confusion, the on-going crush of anger. I nodded with a sigh and slid my credit card across the smooth surface of the bar, “Start me a tab, Bill.”
    Halfway through the first Hurricane, I felt my arms and legs go heavy with the amount of alcohol beginning to flow through my bloodstream. Having not made a habit of ingesting alcohol on a regular basis, it hit me rather quickly. By the time I finished the second one, Bill had confiscated my keys, and the guy sitting next to me had begun to chat me up. Unfortunately, he was pretty disgusting and three times as drunk as I was.
    “ Sarah?”
    I turned a little too fast on the barstool and almost took a nosedive into the lap of the guy next to me. Instead, I ended up half off the stool and hanging precariously onto the edge of the bar. Kara was standing behind me with a familiar smirk on her face.
    “ Hi Kara!” I lurched forward and grabbed her up in a big bear hug, “It’s so good to see you!”
    “ Gee, are we a little drunk tonight?” She wiggled her carefully plucked red eyebrows at Bill, who shrugged and chuckled.
    “ I am not drunk.”
    “ Bill, did you take this girl’s keys yet?”
    He held them up with a pinky finger, “You going to drive her home?”
    Kara regarded me doubtfully as I grinned at her. She was my best friend. I just loved Kara. A couple times during our senior year, we skipped our last class of the day and went to the park by the school to trade sips from her Dad’s flask of Bacardi while we talked about her latest boyfriend. Those were the days.
    “ I’ve missed you so much.” I noticed with a vague sense of hilarity that my words kept coming out slurred. I giggled at myself and grabbed Kara by the arm, “Let’s play pool!”
    “ Well, look what the cat dragged in.”
    I turned my head to the tall guy who had spoken. My mood plummeted almost immediately. Son of a bitch.
    Kara rolled her eyes, “Oh, shit. Here we go.”
    Trevor Kincaid was eyeing me with a mix of pleasure and derision. Rob and Dave Miller were apparently his wingmen for the evening. The Miller brothers were notorious party boys even though Rob was technically married with three kids. That did not exactly stop him from flirting, but it should have kept him from picking up younger women on the side when his wife of twelve years was sitting at home, miserable and tired after a long day working as a sixth-grade teacher. I had always felt a particular revulsion to Rob ever since he had made up a rumor about me performing a sexual maneuver on him when we were still in high school. He was essentially a pathological liar. Therefore, he and Trevor were perfect BFF’s.
    Stepping up to Trevor, I poked him hard in the chest with my index finger, “You picked the wrong night to come to this bar, asshole.” I hiccupped loudly.
    “ Sarah, don’t go there.” Kara whispered.
    “ Oh, I want to go there. This guy here, he’s a complete fucking loser.”
    Trevor chuckled and gripped my hand to stop my poking, “Chill out, Sarah. No need to stir up trouble.”
    “ Damn, bitch. Just let it go.” Rob said.
    “ And you .” I wrenched myself away from Trevor, loser-asshole-of-the-world, to take on Rob, cheating-lying-piece-of-crap-with-a-bald-head dude, “Where’s your wife tonight, Rob? Sitting home alone again while you pick up sluts to bang in your truck? Tell me this. When Tracey finally gets her head

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