Just a Kiss

Just a Kiss by Ally Broadfield Read Free Book Online

Book: Just a Kiss by Ally Broadfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ally Broadfield
hadn’t planned to blurt those things out, but it bothered her that he might think she was without talent.
    Sebastian nodded at a passing acquaintance, then focused on something in the distance. He pointed toward the fountain. “Is that the children’s nanny asleep on the bench over there?”
    Charlotte let out a sigh and turned in the direction he indicated. “That does explain the lack of supervision. I don’t think she’s accustomed to taking so much exercise.” She counted heads to make sure all the children were accounted for. The sun was much higher in the sky than she expected. She glanced around, noting several ladies partaking of the walking path as well as riders along Rotten Row. “I suppose it is time to take the children home, and I should be getting back so I can prepare to receive callers.”
    His eyes crinkled. “You have to prepare in order to receive callers?”
    “At the very least I shall need to repair my disheveledness, won’t I?” Charlotte bent down to pluck a few daisies. She added a few dandelions and some Queen Anne’s lace and soon had a small bouquet.
    Sebastian flashed her one of his slow, enchanting smiles that pulled all the air from her lungs. “Be certain to save the calling cards of your visitors and bring them with you to the Paddon ball.”
    “Whatever for?” she said, her voice squeaking slightly.
    Sebastian leaned forward, narrowing the distance between them. “I thought we might find time to slip away and discuss your prospects. I don’t want to throw you to the wolves. There are gentlemen among the ton that are to be avoided at all costs. I would be remiss in holding up my end of our bargain if I didn’t offer you guidance.”
    She nodded. Though he wasn’t a member of the ton , Horace was likely just the sort of man he was thinking of.
    “You will attend the ball?” He snatched one of the daisies from her bouquet and slid it into the pocket of his coat.
    Still disconcerted by his casual reference to their slipping away, Charlotte had difficulty deciding how to respond. Surely he did not mean for them to be alone together. “Um…Elizabeth has been handling all of our invitations, but I expect so. She’s quite eager to be rid of me.”
    He grasped both of her hands and gazed into her eyes. “Very well then. It is time for me to take my leave.” He drew a hand to his lips and placed a scorching kiss on the inside of her wrist, just above her glove.
    Her heart thumped unevenly as he turned to mount his horse. His breeches stretched taut across his backside, emphasizing his long, powerful legs as he swung into the saddle. She blew out a breath and reminded herself that Sebastian might be her savior, but he wasn’t an option for her. Her lone option for now was Horace, who was likely already at the house waiting for her. Waiting to aggravate her. Waiting to marry her. Unless Sebastian’s plan worked.

    Charlotte’s pace slowed as they neared the house. There was no chance of hiding her arrival with the children accompanying her. Her only hope was that Horace had already come and gone. But as soon as they burst through the front door, Elizabeth appeared from the parlor.
    “Charlotte, Horace has been waiting for some time.” She crossed her arms. “I told you not to dillydally in the park.”
    “Please convey my apologies. I will go make myself more presentable and be with you shortly.” Charlotte turned and headed upstairs, barely stifling a laugh at the startled expression on Elizabeth’s face. During the walk home, she had decided that it would be better to give the appearance of cooperating with Elizabeth than continuing to fight her. If she could convince Elizabeth that she was trustworthy, perhaps she would cease her constant meddling.
    After washing her hands and face, Charlotte did her best to repair her appearance before heading downstairs. She took a deep breath and reminded herself to trust that she would find another suitor. The heavy scent of

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