The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1)

The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1) by Ramona Gray Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1) by Ramona Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ramona Gray
scratch that itch for you,
make no mistake about that.
    She shuddered and stared moodily at the
small golden flames.  Only another week – she could do this.

    “You have a secret admirer.”  Neil nudged
her gently as she walked steadily behind the wagon.  Her thighs hurt and her
back hurt from the four straight days of walking but she ignored it grimly.  It
would have been a lot worse if she hadn’t been exercising for a few months
before she was sucked from her world into this one.
    “What are you talking about?”  She lifted
her face to the late afternoon sunshine and ignored the small voice that urged
her to climb into the compartment below the wagon and join Val in his slumber.
    “Look to your left, quickly.”
    She looked and blinked in surprise when she
saw the tiny pixie dart out of sight behind a large bush dotted with orange
    “How long has she been there?”  She
wondered aloud.
    Neil shrugged.  “I noticed her about an
hour ago.”
    “Why won’t she just come over to me?”  Abby
    “Frankly, I’m surprised she’s even
following you.  Pixie’s really dislike humans.”
    “I don’t know.  Maybe it’s because we treat
them like pests.”
    “Val said they travel in packs.”
    “Aye, normally.  If you find one alone it’s
usually because something’s wrong with it and the others have driven it from
the pack.  To be honest, she won’t survive long on her own.”
    Abigail frowned.  “Poor little thing.”
    Neil patted her on the shoulder gently. 
“You gave her a chance at least.”
    “I guess.”
    “May I speak with you about something,
Abby?” Neil asked.
    She looked at him curiously.  For the first
time all day, David had left her side, joining Landon and Bert in a lively
discussion about something called barnen.  From what she could tell, it was
some sort of card game and they seemed to take it very seriously.
    “What is it?”
    Neil stared at her gravely.  “You should
let Val feed from you.”
    She stiffened and turned away.  “No.  He
insulted me and told you to leave me in the forest to die.”
    “He also saved your life in that forest.” 
Neil reminded her gently.
    “And I paid him back for that by saving his
life.”  She spat.  “I owe him nothing.”
    “I know.”  Neil patted her shoulder
soothingly.  “You should let him feed from you not because you owe him
something but because frankly, you’re going mad.”
    “I am not.  I’m just tired.”  She denied.
    “Abby, it’s amazing that you’ve lasted this
long but you can’t keep this up.  You’ll go insane before we reach Karna.”
    “I appreciate your concern but you don’t know
me, Neil.  You have no idea how strong I actually am.  I’ll make it to Karna
just fine.”
    “I’ve spoken with Val.  I know he was – was
cruel earlier but he feels badly about that and wants the chance to make it up
to you.  He will be gentle and only take enough of your blood to soothe your
    She laughed loudly.  “He feels badly?  Tell
me, Neil, how exactly does a bloodsucking soulless leech feel badly ?”
    “Vampires have souls, Abby.”
    Abby frowned at him.  “No, they don’t.  All
the books and TV shows say they don’t.”
    “TV?” Neil looked at her doubtfully.
    “Never mind.”  She shook her head
impatiently.  “They don’t have souls, they don’t feel remorse or love or
gratitude.  They’re dead.  They have no heartbeat and no ability to feel the
way we do.  Everyone knows that.”
    “You’re wrong, Abby.  Vampires have hearts
that beat just like humans and they are capable of feeling every emotion that
humans do.  I have seen it for myself.”
    Abigail blinked in tired surprise.  “In my
world, they’re the undead.  Their hearts no longer beat and they have no
    Neil smiled a little.  “Your world sounds
like an awful place to live.”
    She shook her head.  “It isn’t.  It’s

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