Wanted: Parents for a Baby!

Wanted: Parents for a Baby! by Laura Iding Read Free Book Online

Book: Wanted: Parents for a Baby! by Laura Iding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Iding
“I’ll do whatever you ask, provide whatever you need,” she said to Judith. “I’ll take days off work if I have to.”
    â€œThere’s no way I know of to get through the process any sooner, but you can certainly ask about that when you go to city hall.” Judith obviously considered the matter closed as she turned back toward Ryan and the social worker. “I’ll return to check on the baby early next week. If anything changes in the meantime, either for the better or for the worse, I’d appreciate a call.”
    â€œOf course,” he agreed. Even though he didn’t particularly like the case worker, he knew that they needed to try to stay on Judith’s good side if at all possible. Especially if Cassie was really going to go through with the plan of becoming a foster parent, an ideahe was still trying to wrap his mind around. “Is there anything else you need from us?”
    â€œNot right now.” Judith glanced at them and shrugged. “Have a good day.”
    â€œYou, too,” Cassie said, with a forced smile.
    He waited until the social worker had escorted Judith out of the unit before turning toward Cassie. “Do you really think this is a good idea?” he asked.
    â€œYes, I do,” she answered without hesitation. “I know it seems like a snap decision, but it’s not.”
    Ryan wasn’t sure why he kept pressing the issue. “I know you love babies, but don’t you think that having a child as a single parent will be difficult? Not to mention putting a crimp in your social life?”
    She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin stubbornly. “I don’t have a social life. After my ex cheated on me, I’m not anxious to trust men enough to try the dating scene again. I know being a single mother won’t be easy, but I’m determined to provide Emma with a loving home. And as a nurse I can help with any medical issues she might have. Maybe Judith is right and I’m too late, but I still plan to move forward, hoping for the best.”
    He wanted to tell her that her ex-husband was a jerk to sleep around on her, but hadn’t he let Victoria down, too? Maybe he hadn’t cheated on Victoria but he hadn’t been there for her. Still, he deeply admired Cassie’s willingness to put her needs on the back burner in order to provide a home for Emma. “I’ll be willing to provide you a reference if needed,” he offered.
    â€œReally?” The way her entire face lit up with hope and happiness made his pulse jump erratically. She’d never looked more beautiful to him than she did in that moment. She literally took his breath away. “Thank you so much, Dr. Ryan! You have no idea how much that means to me.”
    He struggled to come up with a reasonable response when he could barely think straight. “No problem. And if you need help with the paperwork, let me know.”
    â€œOh, I’m sure I’ll figure it out,” she assured him.
    He hesitated, loath to leave, even though he knew his colleague, Matthew Marks, would be there soon to relieve him. Matt should have been there already, but had asked for a couple extra hours off.
    â€œIs there anything else you need, Dr. Ryan?”she asked, when she noticed him still standing there.
    Irrationally, he wished she’d call him by his first name, the way he’d asked her to. Ryan knew it was better to keep things on a professional level, but he still yearned for her to address him as more than a colleague. He shook off his ridiculous thought. “No, just make sure you document how well Emma tolerates her feedings. I’m leaving as soon as I sign off with Dr. Marks, but I’ll check her chart later this afternoon.”
    â€œOkay. She’s going to do great, I’m sure.” She turned and stroked Emma’s cheek, the way he’d seen her do many times before. “Hang in there, sweetpea.

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