The Voice of Reason: A V.I.P. Pass to Enlightenment

The Voice of Reason: A V.I.P. Pass to Enlightenment by Chael Sonnen Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Voice of Reason: A V.I.P. Pass to Enlightenment by Chael Sonnen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chael Sonnen
everybody else’s.
Liberals do not respect the rule, or even the intent, of law as a construct of civilization; they see it only as a weapon to dismantle their ideological opponents—to punish those with different ideas, different circumstances, different objectives.
Liberals hide behind the ever-shifting, amoral curtain of “social justice” to attack, destroy, and scatter the bones of industry, wealth, individual excellence, and personal achievement.
Liberals use the Darwinian concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest (even though they are actually the ideas of Alfred Russel Wallace, one of his contemporaries) to force-feed the theory of evolution down every child’s throat as a government-mandated absolute in public schools. Then they discard the notion completely when it comes to human beings who work harder, achieve more, and succeed in favor of a very hazy, nonscientific, constantly shifting notion of “equality” and “social justice,” both codes for “hate,” which they then use to strip from the fittest among us all the benefits of being fit. (“See that guy with the Porsche? He’s better than all of you. Elect me so I can get rid of him, so we can all be the best together!”)
    Don’t just take my word for it—listen to them yourself . Listen to how they always come out against something—some perceived injustice, some wrong they must make right. And while you’re at it, watch how politically selective they are about it. Watch how they hold a press conference to denounce, ruin, and utterly destroy a broadcaster who inadvertently used a phrase or term that they perceive as “insensitive” to a particular race or ethnicity, all the while ignoring the fact that their lack of concern over that phrase for the past twenty years allowed it to slip back into the cultural mainstream through records produced by members of that particular race or ethnicity. Listen to how limousine liberals like Rosie O’Donnell rant about the fact that you are allowed to own a gun to protect your family, while she has armed bodyguards protecting her children. Listen to the hatred erupt from the bowels of her liberal guts as she hisses and screeches at everyone with differing opinions on same-sex marriage, gun control, or any other topic.
    Is that how the conservatives act?
    I have Democratic and liberal friends. In the eight years that President Bush was in office, eight of the most trying, painful years this great nation has been faced with—the attempted genocide of our people on 9/11, an international enemy with no face and no name trying to kill as many Americans as possible with no respect for humanity—I never once heard any of my enlightened, liberal friends refer to George W. Bush as “President Bush.” I never even heard them call him George Bush.
    It was always, without fail, simply the name Bush, spat out like a rotten grape. No respect for the man, his efforts, or the office itself. The same liberals who would lie on the carpet in the Oval Office to shine President Obama’s shoes would intentionally spill red wine on it if President Bush were in office. But it’s the same carpet , and the same office , and that’s the difference I see in liberals and conservatives.
    In assessing President Obama’s job performance, liberals have been quick to deflect attention (and its subsequent and inevitable criticism) from some of the president’s disastrous policies by sneering under their breath, “Well, he got Bin Laden.” They do this as if all along they were hawks on the parapets of the nation, howling for the blood of that war criminal. They weren’t. They were up on the parapets howling for blood, but it was the blood of a wealthy American or a conservative politician or a comedian who used an ethnic slur—not for the blood of the ideological architect of the mass murder of their fellow Americans. They steered clear of that, so afraid of “how the world perceives us” that

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