The War of the Supers (The First Superhero Book 3)

The War of the Supers (The First Superhero Book 3) by Logan Rutherford Read Free Book Online

Book: The War of the Supers (The First Superhero Book 3) by Logan Rutherford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Logan Rutherford
saying,” Doug said, unable to find the words.
    Everybody at the table laughed as he turned red. “We know what you mean,” Drew said. “We’ve just gotta have someone to tease.”
    Doug shoveled a bite of mac & cheese into his mouth. “When you all have trouble with your computers and need help with them, don’t come to me,” he said through his mouthful of food.
    “Doug, none of us use computers. I didn’t even think the internet worked anymore,” I said with a laugh.
    “Certain satellite networks and peer-to-peer networks are still up and running. Plus, when you have hacking superpowers, that helps too,” Doug said with a satisfied look on his face.
    “Doug,” Samantha said, leaning forward over the table so she could look past me and right at Doug. “You don’t have superpowers.”
    “That’s B.S., Samantha. I do have hacking superpowers,” he said, pointing a finger at her.
    The way he exuded confidence and certainty when he said that didn’t match with his scrawny teenaged appearance, causing some of us at the table to chuckle. “Just because you can do something none of the rest of us can, doesn’t make it a superpower,” Selena said as she took a bite of her garlic bread.
    I took a sip of my water, and as I set the bottle back down, came to Doug’s defense. “Alright, enough picking on him. If it weren’t for Doug, we wouldn’t know the situation overseas.”
    “Yeah, unless we just flew there and saw for ourselves,” Selena said.
    I shot her a look, and she shrugged in defense as she picked up her water. “So, what’s it like over there?” I asked Doug. “What are your contacts telling you?”
    “Well, Kane,” Doug said, turning to face me, pretending I was the only one there, intentionally ignoring the rest of the group, “I’m glad you asked. It’s actually not that bad over there. Most countries’ entire governments haven’t been overthrown.”
    “Most?” I asked.
    Doug shrugged. “Okay, none, although Johannesburg has been taken over by a crazy Super named Raven. But as far as the governments go, no, they’re mostly still intact. England actually has a group of Supers working with the government to keep the country safe from evil Supers, which—relatively speaking—there aren’t many of them.”
    “Why aren’t there as many evil Supers overseas?” Selena asked.
    “I’m sorry, Kane, did you hear something?” Doug said, cocking his head to the side.
    I gave him a smile that said the shtick was cute, but now we needed to get serious. “Come on, why aren’t there?” I asked.
    “Well,” he began, glancing over at Selena before turning his attention back to me. “I mean, the USA has turned into an evil-Super Mecca. They’re flocking here any way they can.”
    “Well, that’s quite the double-edged sword,” Samantha said.
    “Yeah,” Drew said. “Good news in the short run for Selena and Kane. Bad news for us all in the long run.”
    I nodded. “What you’re saying is that most things overseas are business as usual?”
    “As usual as business can be when arguably the most powerful nation in the world has fallen to a supervillain and his Legion,” Doug said. “From a political, economical, and just about every other viewpoint, the world is in chaos. But would you be able to tell if you were walking down the street? I mean, you don’t have to worry about someone coming up to you and making you pledge to the Legion or die, or a building coming down on top of you, or anything like that. So, yeah, compared to how things are here, it’s business as usual.”
    We changed the topic soon after, and did our best to eat without bringing up the situation overseas, or the Legion razing the northeastern United States. When that’s your world, it’s difficult to do. Still, I found a way to spend my last dinner with them for a while as normally as I could.
    When the giant ballroom we were eating in had started to clear out, I stood to leave. “Well, I’m

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