allow us access to the prefecture records. But I need an individual history for every slave we possess. Go back to the auctioneers and use whatever pressures you must to obtain copies of their records relating to the slaves in whom we’re interested. I’ll have a computer programed at the spaceport. With it we should be able to reconstruct individual histories—I want to know of any slave whose bond has been with the Imaiz for one year or more.’
‘With what object?’
‘So that we may closely question those whom the Imaiz may have trained or influenced. They may tell us much about Dion, his objectives and his facilities. When we’ve finished we have the legal right to do with them whatever the evidence suggests. We should at least find the men behind the warehouse sabotage. Possibly we’ll find many more who’ve not yet had the time to make a move against us.’
Catuul’s eyes shone with comprehension. ‘It’s a good plan, friend Tito. I don’t anticipate much difficulty about copying the auctioneers’ records. It’s frequently done by those comparing slave stock for breeding purposes.’
‘Then the matter is settled,’ said Ren. ‘When the director gets back he’s going to expect us to have some pretty damaging ammunition aimed at the Imaiz . He’s not going to be too happy about the loss of the warehouse. Some of the essential oils in it were priceless by any standards. From this point on we’re very much at war with the Imaiz .’
Vestevaal, on his return, was much perturbed that the Imaiz had struck the first damaging blow in a fight essentially started by Ren. To cover himself Ren outlined his policy for evaluating the slaves and isolating those who had been under the Imaiz ’s influence. Vestevaal was impressed by the detail, but pointed out that the action was purely defensive. Wars were not won by orderly retreats.
The merchant worlds of Combien and Rance had firmly stressed to Vestevaal the importance of Anharitte as a free port and had backed their stand by donating the battle cruiser now at the spaceport. The Free Trade Security Council had been just as vociferous and had not only pledged unlimited financial backing, but had insisted on sending a professional troubleshooter, Dr. Alek Hardun, as a technical backup for Ren’s team. Implicit in this latter action was the threat that if Ren did not make a success of defeating the Imaiz , the merchant worlds and Free Trade Council were quite prepared to move in a stronger cadre to settle the question.
‘Nevertheless,’ said Ren, ‘if we’re to retain the cooperation of the societies, we must first observe the principle of harassment and feud. To attempt outright war on the Imaiz at this stage could set even the societies against us, because we’re outworlders and they’re indigenous. I know all the arguments, but if we turn public opinion against us the planetary government will have to act—and we’ll have lost the free port anyway.’
‘Well, it’s still your show, Tito. But let’s see some positive action against the Imaiz . I want to see him hit where it hurts and not only for my personal satisfaction. I have to make reports back to the Free Trade Council. I never was much good at making negative reports.’
‘Then how about this for an opener? We intend to contest Zinder’s bondship with Dion-daizan.’
Vestevaal swung around abruptly.
‘Damn!’ he said. ‘That would certainly make Dion sit up. How would you set about it?’
Ren smiled wolfishly. ‘All bondships have to be registered at the prefecture—and that’s the only official record. If anything happened to the entry regarding the bondship of Zinder to Dion-daizan, the Imaiz would have no legal way of proving his ownership.’
‘And it can be arranged that something will happen to the entry?’
‘The register clerk is a minor member of the Society of Pointed Tails.’
‘Surely it isn’t as simple as that.’
‘No. In normal circumstances the