The World's Next Plague

The World's Next Plague by Colten Steele Read Free Book Online

Book: The World's Next Plague by Colten Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colten Steele
Tags: Zombies, apocalypse, undead, Plague, Diseases, infection, disease, infections, cure, plagues
area can spread the infection, and
there is nothing we can do at this time to change that. We have no
idea where we are, and I do not know how we can get back here.
Bringing a treatment to the rest of the world is great, but
eradicating every living thing with the infection should, and will,
be the priority of those in charge.”
    Armando broke in at this point. “I have a map
and a compass, and a lot of experience with this sort of thing. I
can get us back here if needed. I just need to keep track of some
coordinates as we hike back.”
    “Good,” Manon continued. “Second, the only
other living thing we know of, besides the spiders, able to spread
the infection is Pauley’s brother. If we bring him back to
civilization, and something goes wrong, we could potentially be
responsible for the deadliest plague the Earth has ever seen. If we
do not take him back, we lose our proof and a living sample which
could potentially be used to find a permanent cure.”
    “Speaking of a cure,” Pauley added. “What we
have is not really a cure. It is a way to prevent the carriers of
the infection from spreading it further and attacking other people,
but it does not cure them.”
    “Good point,” said Manon. “I hate to
contemplate how difficult it will be carrying that rack all the way
back on a month long journey with Pauley’s brother struggling the
entire time. Did you guys feel the intense pressure in your heads
when he was near, or was it just me?”
    “I felt it,” Armando replied. “I think Rock
just wanted to take the Jombi back to become more famous, but
ultimately, he was right. We have to take a sample of the infection
back with us if there is any hope of finding a vaccine.”
    Pauley suggested, “What if we carried a few
spiders back with us? They would be much easier to carry and
control. If needed, they can infect a chimp or something when we
get them to the right people.”
    “I like it,” Manon approved. “What do we do
with your brother then? What about the poor creatures scattered
around the clearing?”
    “We leave them here,” said Pauley.
    “Or we put them out of their misery,” Armando
suggested. “What if we leave and someone else wanders by?”
    “Armando is right,” agreed Manon. “We can’t
leave them here like they are. If we don’t take your brother, and I
can’t see how we can, we have to make sure he, and the others here,
never infect anyone else.”
    The men sat silently.
    “I will take care of my brother then,” said
Pauley glumly. He stood up, walked away, and started packing up his
sparse equipment in anticipation of leaving the cursed
    Manon asked, “Armando, can you end the misery
for the rest of the creatures in the clearing?”
    Armando nodded.
    The others finished their coffee in silence.
One by one, each got up and started packing.
    ~ Chapter XI
    Manon shouted across the camp, “Let’s go
    Pauley approached Armando hesitantly. The
large man, still on edge from yesterday’s incident with Rock, had
not noticed him and was startled when Pauley spoke up.
    “Can I borrow Rock’s… pistol” he hesitated,
“for my brother?”
    Armando had placed the handgun in its holster
on his belt and deftly retrieved it. Pointing it towards the
ground, he handed it to Pauley, handle first. He asked, “Do you
need my help?”
    “No, I can handle it.”
    Armando watched as the small native man slunk
away towards his brother with his head hanging.
    Pauley walked slowly. His eyes were looking
down, but not due to depression. He was concentrating on a task
very different than the one Armando assumed he was about to
    From his jacket pocket, Pauley pulled out the
green bottle the shaman had given him. Keeping it close to his
chest, and hidden from the view of the camp behind him, Pauley
pulled off the top. A strong aroma resembling the sweet smell of a
compost heap on a hot muggy day wafted up from the opening.
    Pauley tipped the bottle and applied

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