The Xoe Meyers Trilogy (Xoe Meyers Young Adult Fantasy/Horror Series)
other day? I know you haven’t forgotten about that. He’s totally whacked,” I hounded her.
    “He’s cute,” she replied, “and he only stares at you , and that’s probably because you treat him like he’s some sort of freak. He’s pretty normal once you actually talk to him, and the lunch thing was just a joke.” Lucy glanced through the car window at Allison, patiently waiting in the driver’s seat, then gave me a look that clearly stated don’t tell Allison. She slipped into the backseat before I could say anything else.
    Frowning, I opened the car door and took my usual place in the front. Allison took my grumpy look in stride and started the car. She was dressed up as well, but that wasn’t out of the ordinary. She wore dark-wash jeans, a dark purple cami, and one of those fitted vest thingies that were apparently in style in a dark gray. Her suede booted foot pressed on the gas, and we were on our way. The theater wasn’t far from my house, well, nothing in Shelby is really far, but my anxiety at the whole Dan situation made the ten minute drive seem like hours.
    Dan was already waiting when we pulled up into the parking lot of the old, dreary theater. The theater was originally built with only three screens, but had been expanded to fit seven. Dan stood with his arms crossed, dressed in casual gray slacks and a black v-neck t-shirt, topped with his brown leather jacket. His near-black hair was styled to perfection, as always. He looked expensive, and dangerous, or maybe I was just projecting. He watched us approach with his pale blue eyes, seemingly at ease. I was feeling anything but at ease.
    We reached where he was standing and stopped a short distance in front of him. We then proceeded to stand there in awkward silence. I looked to Lucy and Allison, but Lucy stayed looking down and shuffling her feet, while Allison smiled goofily at Dan. I was surprised to see that Dan looked slightly nervous himself. He usually seemed so macho and self-possessed. An abashed grin began to creep across his face. Could he get any more confusing?
    I sighed and gestured my arms toward the theater. “Shall we?”
    Everyone nodded and we were finally able to vacate the parking lot. We continued across the sidewalk, past outdoor posters of movies I would have loved to see, but knew we wouldn’t end up with. Allison and Lucy’s boots clicked on the pavement while I followed behind them in my quiet sneakers. Dan held the door for us as we went inside, then stood too close to me as we purchased tickets to a generic chick flick that was detailed on the least appealing poster.
    Our movie was in theater seven, all the way at the end of the hall. The walk to the proper screening room seemed to take ages, as did the process of choosing seats. Lucy, Allison, and I would usually sit in the row directly behind the hand railing that cut the theater in half. That way we could put our feet up on the bar, and not worry about any tall people sitting in front of us to block the view.
    I almost thought we'd end up with different seats as Lucy and Allison just stood in the isle, waiting for Dan to move, but when he didn't choose either, I sat where I wanted and waited for everyone else to follow.
    Lucy sat next to me, then came Dan, then Allison. Lucy smiled a contented smile, while Allison looked less than happy. It seemed like Al had finally realized Lucy’s intent in wearing her new outfit, and was none too happy for the competition. I was pretty sure that Lucy had won the competition before it even started, but for Allison, it ain’t over ‘till it’s over.
    We were early. The previews hadn’t even started yet, and the silence was thick. Sighing, I nudged Lucy with my elbow. “I’m going to get some popcorn.”
    She nodded, not offering to go with me, so I climbed over the rail to go to the concession stand by myself.
    “I’ll join you,” Dan announced, then hopped over the rail before I could protest.
    Shaking my head, I

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