Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness)

Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness) by Alaska Angelini Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness) by Alaska Angelini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alaska Angelini
and walk the rest of the way. If any of those immortals got wind that he was anywhere near by their residence, all hell would break loose.
    Vex eased onto Shoreline and parked a little farther down from where he had earlier. The dress shoes cut into the back of his heels as he jogged toward the mansion. Lights from cars sped by, and he prayed that if Melody happened to go by, she’d enter from the other direction. Music drifted from the large white house as he approached the gate. He stayed in the shadows as much as he could. Thank god for the darkness.
    The iron was still warm under his palms as he scaled the gate and crouched next to the large bushes. It would have been so much easier to materialize, but if he used that power they’d surely pick up on it.
    Voices caught his attention and Vex moved in the direction.
    “You’re pretty much screwed if you ask me, Leon.”
    A man Vex had never seen before was sitting in a white wicker chair in the middle of the large, landscaped yard. His arms rested on the arm-rests and his head was tilted back as if he were looking at the sky.
    “I know. I can’t help it, Harvey. I’ve known her for three years. We’ve lived together for a while now. From the moment I met her, I knew Mel was special. Yeah, she’s half demon, but you’d never know it. She hates them. I guess it’s because she never knew her dad.” Leon took a drink from his bottled water. “I take that as a blessing. Anyway, when her mom died, one of the last things she told Melody was what her dad was, and that she still loved him. Always had. I guess it really screwed with her head.”
    So that was why his mate had become a hunter. Made sense. Vex grinded his teeth together. Once he found out who the hell this man was, he was going to snap his legs. The demon’s screw up was now affecting his mate coming to him. What happened if Melody never got over her hatred for what he was? Uneasiness settled through him.
    “You say you think you love her. Are you willing to kiss your wings goodbye, forever? Because that’s what will happen if you pursue this.”
    Leon lowered his head. “I told her I was moving out. I was kind of hoping you would let me stay here when she goes back home. Maybe once I decide, things will change, but until then she and I need to distance ourselves. She agrees. It sucks. I would love to be with her, but I don’t think she feels the same way for me as I do for her.”
    “That does suck,” Harvey said, lowly. “But look on the bright side, Leon. If she doesn’t love you that way, then don’t risk slipping even further. Let her go. She’s supposed to be leaving tomorrow, isn’t she? Distance yourself and stay away.”
    Yes, Leon. Keep away from my mate.
    Vex wasn’t sure what to think about the conversation he was eavesdropping on. Sure, he was happy that his mate didn’t have love for Leon in a sexual way, but he still didn’t like the immortal being so close to her. It was only going to cause problems in the future. That much, he was sure of. Once Leon found out about their bond, he was going to go ape-shit. But there was nothing he could do about it. Melody belonged to him, and Vex wasn’t letting anyone or anything come between them being together.

Chapter Five
    A good hour and a half went by and Vex could feel himself dozing. He was behind the bushes, propped against the white brick in between the gates. If he had to guess, he’d say he was close to the middle of the property, but crawling in the darkness, it was hard to tell. Well, he was centered with the front door so that was a good thing.
    The deep purr of a bike had his eyes flying open. Dirt collected in his fingers as they embed ded in the earth. Finally . The gate opened and he watched Melody pull in. The moment she got off the bike, she walked over to the men, who were still bullshitting about sports. Vex thought he was going to lose his mind if he had to listen to another minute of their mindless

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