Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness)

Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness) by Alaska Angelini Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness) by Alaska Angelini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alaska Angelini
    “Mel, how was the movie?”
    “Awesome,” she laughed. She placed her helmet on the ground and sat next to them. “You should have come with me. You would have laughed so hard. It was great.”
    Leon shook his head. “Eh, you know I’m not much of a theater person. I’m glad you had fun. What movie did you watch?”
    The way she paused had Vex smiling.
    “I forget the name. I just picked one that looked good.”
    She was lying. She hadn’t been to the movies. Ah, his little, lying demon hunter. Vex looked at the men waiting to see if they caught on, but they just nodded. Damn gullible, immortals. They were all so good that they couldn’t even believe that she’d actually lie to them about something as simple as watching a movie. Well, he knew where’d she’d been. She had probably been shooting up more of his demons.
    Harvey stood and yaw ned. “I should be getting to bed. I have to work in the morning. You both sleep well. Melody, it was a pleasure seeing you again. I know you’re leaving tomorrow so I doubt I’ll see you again for a while. Feel free to come visit us any time.”
    She stood and gave him a hug. “Thank you for your hospitality, Harvey. I really appreciate it.”
    Vex swallowed hard. He wished he knew this side of Melody. With him, she was angry and her hatred was evident. Was he ever going to be able to change that? He sighed and rested back against the warm brick. Damn, she almost made him want to become a better man. He could do it, couldn’t he? He couldn’t stop the whole demon master thing, but maybe he could be nicer or something.
    The sound of the front door shutting brought Vex’s attention back on to Leon and Melody. The immortal looked at her almost lovesick. It was enough to make him roll his eyes.
    “Mel, I hate that you’re going back there. What happens if they find you?”
    The soft lighting around the house illuminated her face, and her smile was beautiful while she stared at him. “No one will find me. It’s fine, Leon. Just relax and focus on what you need to do. You’ve been working so hard to get your wings back. You don’t need my problems interfering with all your hard work.”
    Leon stood from the chair and grabbed her hand. “Mel, we really need to talk.”
    The way she started to fidget was a clear indication that she didn’t want to have this conversation, or at least Vex thought. “We do.”
    A laugh came from Leon’s mouth. “You know I can’t stand still when I get worked up. Would you like to walk the length of the yard with me?” He held out his arm and she locked hers around it. They headed in his direction and Vex focused on containing his energy within himself. The last thing he needed was for them to discover him hiding in the bushes like a peeping tom.
    “Mel, for the last few months I’ve grown really strong feelings for you. I can’t deny that there’s a possibility they may be my undoing. I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”
    The abruptness with which she stopped had them directly in front of Vex. He tried to quiet his breathing. There was no telling what he would do if she returned his sentiments. He hardly knew this woman at all, yet he couldn’t deny that everything in his soul wanted to claim her and make her his forever.
    “Leon, I— “
    “Wait, before you say anything, I have to do something. I just…” His hands wrapped around her face and his mouth crushed into hers passionately. Vex felt like a knife stabbed through his heart. He felt himself jerk forward, only to stop. It was a hell of an internal battle. The brick bit into his back and head as he pushed hard into the wall. His fists were squeezed so tightly shut that he was sure his bones were going to snap.
    The ten seconds they kissed seemed longer than Vex’s entire life. Melody pulled back and stared up at the immortal. “Leon.” Her voice was full of pain. “I’m sorry. I just can’t. I never meant for this to happen.”
    Vex lowered his head

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