This Battle Lord's Quest
the table.
Fortune started to remove his weapons, but Yulen stopped him.
    “Keep on doing what you’re doing. Listen, I’ve been
thinking about your plan to send out advance squads into the forest.”
    “You want to talk about taking a group east?”
Glancing up to see the Battle Lord’s surprised expression, the Mutah hunter
smiled. “No, I don’t read minds. You appeared particularly concerned when that
issue was argued.”
    Yulen laughed softly as he placed his arms on the
table and clasped his hands together. “I’m concerned about the time issue.”
    Atty spoke up. “What time issue?”
    “Our stores are low. No, strike that. They’re nonexistent.
We have so little food left, we won’t make it through the week.”
    “I spoke with Berta today. She says she has enough
provisions for maybe three more days,” Atty confirmed.
    Fortune eyed both of them. “What about the other
hunters? Are you suggesting we don’t wait for them?”
    The Battle Lord looked down at his hands, as if he
were inspecting his nails. “I think your idea is very doable, and once the
other hunters show, we’ll go through with it. But, for the time being, we need
to send out an advance scout.” He glanced at Atty, then back to Fortune. “We
need to gather more meat for the compound, and we need to do it as soon as
possible. You’ve hunted this area many times. Is there enough game here locally
to support us through the winter?”
    The Mutah hunter grimaced and shook his head. “No
way there’s enough. So, you’re thinking we could go ahead and take a day or so
to scout out east, and hopefully bring back enough game to tide us over until
the others arrive? And then we go back out in full force?”
    “How many of us would go this first time?” Atty
questioned. There was no arguing she was included in the search.
    “Fortune, how many of the caste do you think would
agree to go with you and Atty?”
    “You mean how many are willing to forego their
superstitions?” At Yulen’s nod, he cleared his throat. “Three, perhaps four
    “How about the hunters we spoke to today?”
    The Mutah briefly considered. “I think they would
all go.”
    “Even Vashayn?” Atty mentioned, noting the
superstitious hunter.
    Fortune nodded. “Yeah. Vash has always been a
naysayer, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, he’s right behind you.
The guy’s a powerhouse with an axe.”
    “Altogether, you would make a small but powerful
force,” Yulen acknowledged.
    “I know of two others who would put up a fight to
accompany us,” Atty added. “Paxton and Renken.”
    “Definitely,” Fortune said. “Both men may not be
good hunters, but they’re superb swordsmen. If we encounter something
dangerous, they will be invaluable. I’m also thinking about asking Meesel to go
with us. He’s young, but he has amazing instincts, and a nose for blood.”
    “Blood? So you’re thinking we’ll definitely
encounter dangerous animals?” Glancing at both men, their faces gave her the
answer. “All right. It’s decided. When are we leaving? Tomorrow morning?”
    “The sooner, the better,” Fortune agreed.
    Yulen nodded. “So do I.”
    They were interrupted by the sound of a door
opening. A moment later, Mattox waddled in, still rubbing the sleep from his
eyes. Seeing his father, the tyke hurried over and lifted his arms, mutely
asking to be picked up. Yulen obliged, parking the child on his thigh.
    Atty watched the interaction between the two with a
bit of wistfulness. It was evident their son was forming a strong bond with his
father, but it also meant he was becoming less dependent on her. In some ways,
the realization saddened her.
    Getting up from her seat, she straightened her
blouse, and discovered a blade of hay hiding inside the neckline. Plucking it
out, she glanced around to see where she could toss it, when Tory held out a
hand, a knowing grin on the woman’s face. Silently, Atty gave it to her but
didn’t explain.

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