This Hero for Hire

This Hero for Hire by Cynthia Thomason Read Free Book Online

Book: This Hero for Hire by Cynthia Thomason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Thomason
and whispered, “Oh, this afternoon I recalled something about you and me from our high school days.”
    His breath caught. “You did?”
    â€œYeah. An incident that happened in the gym equipment room at Mount Union High.”
    Her warm breath teased his skin and raised the hairs on his nape. Was she baiting him? Had she heard her father’s plan and wanted to maintain the upper hand by reminding him of the time she’d knocked his socks off in high school?
    â€œRing any bells?” she asked. Her question was almost a challenge.
    And those bells were clanging a warning he’d do well to heed. Was he going to end up the butt of a joke she was waiting to spring on him? “Equipment room?” he said. “The two of us?”
    â€œSomehow I didn’t think you’d remember.”
    His mind struggled to come up with something to say that didn’t sound completely inane. Luckily Governor Rhodes appeared in the open door.
    â€œWhat’s your poison, Boone?” he asked, nodding toward a bar in a corner of the room. “If you drink it, I’ve probably got it.”
    Aware that Susannah had disappeared down the hallway, Boone said, “I’m on duty, Governor. I’ll just have a club soda if that’s all right.”
    â€œNonsense. You’re not on duty. This is a friendly dinner between neighbors. I’ll fix you a whiskey neat. One won’t compromise your principles.”
    Boone accepted the glass, thankful his hand was steady. The warm, smooth liquid felt good going down his throat but didn’t erase the memory of that crazy moment in the equipment room.
    * * *
    D INNER   CONVERSATION   CENTERED   around Mount Union, what had stayed the same and what had changed. Susannah decided that little was different from her high school days. A few new people had moved in, and some of the young ones had graduated and moved on. All the talk about her hometown renewed her fondness for where she’d grown up. And she liked that Cyrus Braddock’s grandson believed that this cozy town was the best one on Earth. She’d once thought so, before she became the Rhodes’s black sheep and was sent away to school.
    The lushness of Braddock land wasn’t the only reason she’d come back to Mount Union, though she knew the methods she’d studied would succeed here. Deep down she hoped she would feel like she belonged again. She had wandered for so long that a profound yearning to call someplace home had turned her thoughts to Georgia. And her father’s campaign had provided the incentive she needed to return and reconnect. And maybe make amends with him. She had been a difficult child, especially after her mother left.
    â€œBe sure and tell Maria that the roast was delicious, Susie,” Albee said when he’d placed his napkin over his plate. “And your vegetables were good, too.”
    For some reason, the praise made her look at Boone. Would he compliment her cooking skills? And if so, why did it matter?
    â€œYeah, those glazed carrots were really tasty, Susannah,” he said.
    She took the last bite of her pasta and spinach salad and stood. “Thank you, gentlemen. I’ll clear the plates and bring in dessert.”
    â€œNo dessert just yet, darlin’,” Albee said. He got up and refilled her wineglass. When he walked around the table, Boone covered his glass with his hand. Albee returned to his seat. “There’s a small matter I’ve been meaning to discuss with you two kids.”
    Here it comes, an end to what had been a surprisingly pleasant evening, despite Boone not remembering anything about the kiss. She figured that mortifying incident had long since faded from his memory. Just as well.
    Susannah had suspected an ulterior motive in her father’s invitation to Boone. So far, she hadn’t been able to figure out what it was. She set the plates on the buffet and took her seat again.

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