Three Days in April

Three Days in April by Edward Ashton Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Three Days in April by Edward Ashton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edward Ashton
saying something about a labor dispute in Uzbekistan that’s threatening to undercut production of beryllium. The announcer has moved on to a story about the orbital power platform they’re building over Nebraska, and how the locals are very, very upset with the location of the rectenna.
    â€œHouse,” I say. “Vids. Search topic: apocalypse.”
    â€œThat search returns one-­point-­seven million results. How would you like to prioritize?”
    â€œEliminate all entertainment.”
    â€œSearch now returns two hundred fifty thousand results.”
    â€œLimit to news, limit to North America, limit to segments produced today.”
    â€œSearch now returns twelve results.”
    â€œStart with the most recent.”
    The wallscreen flips to two men in suits, sitting on a sofa. House includes an overlay that says “Local interest, Charleston, WV. Released today, 12:32:00.”
    â€œWelcome to Good News Sunday ,” the man on the right says. “Today we’re joined by the Reverend Donald Blakesly, who believes that we are living through the final stages of the End Times. Welcome, Reverend Blakesly.”
    â€œThank you, Jerome,” says Reverend Blakesly. “It’s a pleasure to be here.”
    I need to have a talk with House about what I mean when I say ‘news’—­but actually, what’s going on outside does seem kind of biblical, so I decide to let it run.
    â€œReverend Blakesly,” Jerome says, “we’ve heard many times before that the prophecies laid out in the Book of Revelations are being fulfilled, and that the End of Days is nigh. Why do you believe that this time is different?”
    â€œWell, Jerome,” says Reverend Blakesly, “I know that others have claimed to have interpreted the signs before, and I also bear in mind our Lord and Savior’s admonishment that he will come like a thief in the night, and that none will know the hour of his coming.”
    Jerome leans forward, one eyebrow raised.
    â€œBut Reverend Blakesly, you have said repeatedly in your public and private casts that you believe that the End of Days is nearly upon us. How can that be, if our Lord Himself has said that none can know the time?”
    The reverend leans back in his seat and steeples his fingers.
    â€œI have never claimed to have divined the day and time of our Lord’s return, Jerome. However, I do think that if you look closely at the sixth chapter of the Book of Revelations, it becomes increasingly clear that the Seals are being opened, one by one.
    â€œThe first Rider, who comes upon a white horse, and the second, whose mount is red, are harbingers of warfare and slaughter. And are those not present in this world wherever one looks? In the south, the godless Brazilians run roughshod over their pious neighbors. In the east, the Chinese have subdued half of Asia. In the north, Chris­tian Russia kneels before the terrible Swedes. And in the west, California seems on the verge of passing Proposition 117.”
    â€œProposition 117? The one allowing temporary contract marriages?”
    â€œThe very same.”
    This is too much.
    â€œSearch forward,” I say. “Keyword ‘apocalypse.’ ”
    House skips the cast ahead. Jerome is leaning back in his seat now, and I’m guessing from the expression on his face that he’s finally realized that he’s booked a lunatic.
    â€œSo tell me,” he says. “What form do you expect the final apocalypse to take?”
    â€œWell, Jerome, this brings us to Chapter Fifteen, and the Seven Last Plagues. The first of these is shown by painful sores, which appear on those with the Mark of the Beast. Are you aware of how widespread antibiotic-­resistant gonorrhea has become? The second plague involves the poisoning of the sea. The ever-­accelerating acidification of our oceans certainly fills this bill. The third plague refers to the poisoning of

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