Through the Storm (The Montclair Brothers)

Through the Storm (The Montclair Brothers) by Terri Marie Read Free Book Online

Book: Through the Storm (The Montclair Brothers) by Terri Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Marie
you. Vincent's your attorney, and if he feels that their questions are overwhelming you, or inappropriate, he'll stop this interview and make them leave. You don't have to be afraid of anything. Now, they're going to ask you about your parents and you have to answer them. That's the only way we'll be able to prevent the hospital from discharging you to their care. Vinnie and I aren't going to let anything happen. You'll be safe under our watch."
    Brian creased his forehead and stared at the detectives. Emma could see the numbers on the heart monitor go up and knew that he was getting upset. She walked around, stood next to Tyler, and held Brian's hand.
    Brian glanced over at the doorway." Okay, let's get this over with. I'm obviously not in any position to run. I'm injured, and that officer outside is making sure I stay put."
    "I'm Detective Delcan, and this is Detective Joy. The officer outside isn't here to keep you prisoner, he's making sure Robert Preston, or anyone else, doesn't try to harm you again. If you start getting tired, or aren't feeling well, just let us know and we'll come back later." He got out his pad of paper and a pen. "I need you to tell us your full name."
    Brian looked at Vincent, who nodded his head.
    "…My name's Brian Johnathan Waters."
    Emma squeezed his hand tighter.
    "How old are you?" asked the detective.
    "I'm fourteen. I'll be fifteen on August the eighth." When Brian took a deep breath, Emma could see what appeared to be a look of defeat cross his face.
    "Could you give me your address?"
    "It's in Southfield—" Brian abruptly stopped himself.
    "Brian," began Vincent. "You have to tell them the truth."
    "Why? They're just going to contact my parents. Don't you guys understand that they'll come here? Besides, my parents don't give a shit about my health!" His eyes began to water.
    "We'll come back to that, Brian. We aren't here to upset you. Now, do you know who shot you or who started the fire?" Detective Joy asked.
    "I heard the gun fire, but I didn't see who was shooting. The smoke was too thick. There's someone chasing us named Robert Preston, Renee's husband. He has shot at us before, on the freeway. I'm positive it was him," he blurted.
    "And the fire?"
    "I have no idea. The house was old though, so I don't know exactly how it started." Brian appeared to be relieved that the questions were not directed towards his past life.
    "Why are you here, in Castle Lake?" Detective Delcan briefly glanced at Tyler.
    "I was homeless, okay? Renee Preston and Emma, here, got me off the streets. If it hadn't been for those two, and the Montclairs, I'd still be eating out of trashcans." Brian tried to laugh, but failed miserably.
    Tyler and Vincent looked at each other. Their sad expressions spoke volumes.
    "We're glad your friends kept you safe. Did you know Robert Preston before you met Renee?" asked Delcan.
    "No, I've never met him before. I still haven't, other than his deadly introductions with guns. Renee had already told me how horrible her husband was, but I got to see it firsthand. We all ended up having to hide from him, especially after he tried to blow our brains out once before. We were literally running for our lives. We had to find a safe place to go. I mean, it's not like we could have hung out in Southfield. We drove up to Castle Lake to get far away from the psycho. The big house, that caught on fire, belonged to the Montclairs. We figured that Robert wouldn't find any of us up here." Brian winced in pain.
    "Are you doing okay, buddy?" asked Vincent.
    "Yeah, I'm okay," he replied as he tried to adjust his body.
    "The doctors who are treating you, Brian, need to contact your parents to get their consent, and to obtain some medical background on you. You're a minor," began Detective Joy. "Can you tell me how we can contact them?"
    "What if they come here!? Brian raised his voice.
    "Let's move on to another question," interrupted Vincent. "Make it an important one, because my client needs

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