Thug Matrimony

Thug Matrimony by Wahida Clark Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Thug Matrimony by Wahida Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wahida Clark
away she checked her voice mail: Kaylin’s mother, Kyra, Malik, and Mrs. Smith all left messages. Malik was still at his grandmother’s, so she called there first.
    “Mama Santos, how are you?”
    “I called you earlier. How are you? Did you and my son get this mess straightened out?”
    “No, ma’am. Not yet.”
    “Well, y’all need to get it straightened out. Life is too short to be playing these games. I’ve never seen nothing like this before. Get it straightened out. I’m tired of him coming over here moping around. He doesn’t even say anything. He’s just in the way. I swear he is stubborn just like his father. It’s ridiculous.”
    “I know, ma’am. Malik called over here. Since he has learned this phone number, he sure does use it.”
    “That boy better stay off my damn phone. His bad ass is supposed to be asleep.”
    Angel let out a chuckle. “Well, tell him Red returned his call.”
    “I will. After I beat his ass for playing on my phone.”
    “Good night, Mrs. Santos.”
    “Good night and get y’all’s mess straightened out. Y’all have a baby on the way.”
    Don’t I know it?
Angel disconnected her and dialed her mother.
    “Hey, Mom, I just got in. You should have dialed my cell phone. What’s going on?”
    Her mother let out a huge sigh.
    “What’s up, Mom?”
    “Your sister. That chile is too damn grown. I swear, I’m hoping she gets accepted to a college far, far away. She is getting on my damn nerves. You ain’t gonna believe this latest stunt. Carmen!” she yelled out. “Come get this phone and tell your sister what you told me.”
    Angel could hear her sister yelling in the background but couldn’t make out what she was saying.
    “You betta get this phone, chile, and tell your sister what you just told me! I swear I don’t know what made me bring your sister into this world. I was damn near forty. Look at me. I am too old for this. I should have been through after I had you and Mark.”
    “Mom, don’t talk like that.”
    “Hello,” Carmen snapped.
    “Carmen, what’s going on? Why is Mommy trippin’ like that?”
    Carmen sucked her teeth. “Because I told her that I ran into Keenan and I told him that you were getting married and stuff. He asked me where and I told him, but how was I supposed to know he was gonna crash it and shit! I—”
    “You better watch your damn mouth in my house, Carmen. You ain’t grown, goddammit!” Mrs. Smith was yelling, cutting off Carmen’s rambling.
    “You did what?” Angel gasped over her mom’s voice in the background—who was still cussing.
    “Why is Mommy screaming like that? Damn. I said I didn’t know he was gonna come. Let alone crash it.”
    Angel couldn’t believe her ears. “Where were you when you ran into him?”
    “He was at the club,” she whispered into the phone.
    “What the fuck you doin’ at a club, Carmen? You’re only seventeen!”
    “Angel, you are not my mother. Mommy knew I went,” she snapped.
    “Where does he live, Carmen?”
    “Keenan. Who else?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “You have his phone number?”
    “Nope.” She said it a little too quickly.
    “Put Mommy on the phone.” Angel was too rough.
    “Maaaaa,” she yelled. “Pick up the phone.”
    “I got it. Hang up, Carmen. You see that attitude, don’t you?”
    “Ma, why are you allowing her to go out to clubs?”
    “She told me she was spending the night at Charlene’s. But that’s the kind of shit she pulls. I hope I can last around here for one more year without killing her.”
    “Mom. She has Keenan’s address and phone number. She said she doesn’t. But I can tell she’s lying. Try and get it for me. What has gotten into her?”
    “I don’t know but it’s taking everything I got to not grab this frying pan and beat it the hell out of her.” Mrs. Smith was obviously exasperated.
    “And, Mom, you got to keep a closer eye on her.”
    “I’m doing the best I can, Angel.”
    “I know you are but

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