Tianna Xander

Tianna Xander by The Earth Dragon Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Tianna Xander by The Earth Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Earth Dragon
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Erotic
muscle-bound jerk. She chanted the words a few more times while she walked away from him again.
    “Where are you going?”
    “I’m going to find a place where there is only one seat so I don’t have to put up with you being so close to me.”
    “Well, you’re headed in the right direction.”
    May brightened up. “Really?”
    “Yes,” he said with a nod, his expression unreadable. “Go a few more feet and turn right. You can’t miss it.”
    With a smile, May spun around, hurried in the direction he indicated, turned and stopped with a scowl. “This is the bathroom.” She rested her hands on her hips and turned to glare at him. “Do you expect me to sit in here for the entire flight?” If he did, he was going to be disappointed.
    “You’re the one who wanted the seat with no one around.”
    “No. I wanted to find a place where you wouldn’t be sitting next to me, breathing down my neck.”
    He raised a brow. “I haven’t breathed down your neck, May. Believe me when I say, had I done so, you would know it.”
    “Bah!” She threw her hands in the air and stomped to the nearest seat, lifted the armrest between the two and put her feet up on the other side.
    “When will you calm down, little one?”
    “When you take me home, giant one.”
    Damek crossed his arms and watched while she did her best to sit comfortably with the armrest digging into her back. With a sigh, he reached down and reclined his seat. “Sit up properly and do this.”
    “No way, buster. I am so not laying down here so you can sit next to me and breathe on me.” She didn’t know if she could take it. Every word that came out of his mouth slid over her senses like warm butter. There was no way she would withstand an all-out assault if he decided to make one. She knew it.
    With a laugh, Damek sat up. “What is this fascination you have with my breathing on you?”
    “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” May wriggled in place for another minute or two, then, with a sigh, she sat up properly and gave him a look that dared him to take the empty spot next to her.
    She couldn’t think when he sat so close. She kept telling herself that it was because he scared her. It had nothing to do with the fact that he made her feel all warm and tingly inside. It also had nothing to do with knowing the man had carried her here in his arms without breaking a sweat. May didn’t know how she knew that. She just did.
    After a few moments, May relaxed. Damek didn’t leave his seat and she began to feel tired. “I have a question.”
    “I shall strive to answer it to the best of my ability.”
    She smiled to herself when he didn’t add little one to the end of his sentence. Perhaps calling him, giant one worked—even if it had been a childish thing to do.
    “How did you know I was poisoned?”

    Chapter Ten
    “You were holding your stomach, then you started talking as though you were drunk. Since I knew you had no more than a few sips of wine, it couldn’t have been the alcohol.”
    Damek watched her reaction. He expected her disbelief, however, and wasn’t surprised when she gave him a look that said she didn’t believe a word he said. “After I smelled your dinner, I tasted it and the poison was easy to distinguish from the food.”
    “Uh, huh. For you, maybe.” May nodded. Leaning back a bit more, she crossed her feet at the ankles. “And you won’t take me back until you find out who poisoned me?”
    How could he make her understand? Damek sat up and slid forward in his seat. Resting his elbows on his knees, he clasped his hands before him and met her gaze. “The antidote is there. I brought you to get you to the antidote as soon as possible.” He leaned back and looked at her, with a frown. “Why did you not need the antidote?”
    May shrugged. “It’s something about plants. I’m not allergic to poison ivy or other plants like most humans are. If I ingest something I shouldn’t, it makes me sick for a little

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