Tianna Xander

Tianna Xander by The Earth Dragon Read Free Book Online

Book: Tianna Xander by The Earth Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Earth Dragon
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Erotic
learned, it was that most dragons didn’t lie. They had no need to. They usually had a way to take whatever they wanted without having to lie to get it. Why should Damek be any different?
    She rubbed her stomach again, still feeling a little queasy. Moving to the edge of the seat, she grasped the cushion in front of her and pulled herself to her feet. Dizzy, May swayed a bit before the plane stopped spinning and she made her way to the back of the aircraft, looking for Damek and the bathroom. She’d already made up her mind that she would throw up when she found one of them. It didn’t really matter which one she found. Either way, she’d get some relief from the pain.
    “It figures,” she said a bit disappointed when she found the bathroom.
    Her eyes widened when she turned on the light and entered the room. It wasn’t like every other bathroom she’d seen on planes. This one had a tub and a shower. It took every ounce of willpower she had not to throw up on the plush cream-colored carpeting. Rushing to the sink, she bowed her head over the basin and let it go.
    Afterward, she rinsed the sink and used one of the unopened toothbrushes and the toothpaste to brush her teeth. She didn’t want rancid breath, although, maybe that would have been a good thing to keep Damek away.
    She wiped her mouth on the towel hanging next to the mirror and tried to convince herself that she wanted to keep Damek away.
    With the towel still covering the lower half of her face, May stared at herself in the mirror with a frown. She should want to keep him away. His size terrified her. She didn’t know why. All she knew was that she couldn’t, just couldn’t be his mate. Would fate really be so cruel as to mate her with someone so…so huge?
    Someone knocked on the door. May didn’t answer because she knew it had to be him . What should she do?
    “Are you okay in there, May?”
    “I’m coming.” The words were out of her mouth before she knew she was even going to say them.
    “Oh, don’t lie to me like that, little one. You aren’t even breathing hard. I can tell.”
    Her cheeks reddened at his teasing remark. May hung the hand towel back up on the holder beside the mirror and tried not to think about how big the man was. He was a nice man. He wouldn’t hurt her. If he intended to harm her, he wouldn’t have brought her here to try to save her.
    Frowning, she thought about that for a minute. Exactly how was taking her to Alaska supposed to save her? With her fears firmly back in place, May took a deep breath, pulled up her big-girl panties and prepared to face her dragon. Literally .
    What are you thinking, May? He is not your dragon.
    Flinging the door open, she stood and glared up at him, wishing there was a live plant up here—preferably one with vines so she could strangle him with it.
    “Why does that smile of yours make me nervous?” he asked when she tried to push past him.
    “I don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.” She felt her cheeks heating as she tried to make her way back to the seating area.
    When she finally got there, she looked around with dismay. Wasn’t there even one place to sit off by itself where she wouldn’t have to put up with him being so close? She couldn’t breathe when he was so close.
    She moved through the area, praying that she would find that one lone chair, but didn’t find one. Turning, she glared up at him. “Stop following me around.”
    “I’m just seeing to your safety, May.”
    “No, dammit, you’re following me around and ticking me off.”
    “My name is Damek, little one.”
    What the heck was he talking about now? She didn’t even say his name. May thought over what she said and stomped her foot. “You know very well that I know what your name is.”
    He just grinned at her, his right cheek revealed that little dimple and she could swear she actually felt her knees go weak.
    I am not attracted to the muscle-bound jerk. I am not attracted to the

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