Ties to the Blood Moon 2nd Edition

Ties to the Blood Moon 2nd Edition by Robin P Waldrop Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Ties to the Blood Moon 2nd Edition by Robin P Waldrop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin P Waldrop
me. I glanced around the room and spotted William leaning against the wall, his sexy eyes made my heart flutter, and for obvious reasons I blushed and lowered my eyes. When I looked up he was halfway across the room coming straight toward me. He smiled and his pearly white teeth sparkled from the light of the fire.
    “Well … that was,” he paused and cleared his throat. “Weird.” He smiled crookedly. Every time he got really close to me, I’d catch myself holding my breath, and had to remind myself to breathe.
    “Yeah. Extremely.” He could have said the sky was green and I would have agreed with him. William had an aura about him that filled me with happiness.
    His eyes narrowed slightly as he gazed at me, like he was thinking. “I want to show you something.” He held out his hand gently taking hold of mine. “Come on.” We went outside and he placed his arm on the small of my back as we started climbing on the large rocks directly above the cave. When we neared the top it leveled off somewhat into a path.
    “Close your eyes.” His voice was like velvet. Without even asking why, I just did it. For whatever reason I felt a connection to him unlike anything I had ever experienced. I couldn’t explain it, I just knew in my heart he wouldn’t let anything or anyone hurt me.
    He took my hand and guided me a short distance. “Okay,” he whispered softly next to my ear. “Open them.”
    The view before me took my breath away. We were standing on a large flat area of rock on top of the back side of the cave, and above us the sky was a series of, blue, red and green curtains of light, dancing and waving. The colors had made the sky into moving art, like a symphony but with light instead of sound.
    We sat together. I was speechless as I watched, and I could feel William watching me as I peered at the lights. After a few minutes, I started rubbing the back of my neck. It ached from constantly looking up. William removed his jacket and laid it behind us, then gently pulled me back. His touch caused my stomach to swirl with butterflies.
    I lay on my back with my knees bent, watching the colors change and move. William lay on his side with his head propped on his hand, staring at me. I tried to act like I didn’t notice, but I’m sure my trembling hands and quivering lip told him otherwise.
    “So … where are you from?” His thumb rubbed a delicate circle on the back of my hand.
    “L.A. is where I just moved from, but I was born in Oregon. Me and my mom moved a lot after my dad died. I guess she just couldn’t find a place that felt like home.”
    “Your aunt told me and my dad what happened … I’m really sorry—”
    “Where are you from?” I asked, cutting him off, not really wanting to get on the subject of the fire and losing my mom.
    “Canada. Just me and my dad. We move around a good bit, too … because of his job. Mostly Europe. My mom left when I was little.”
    “Oh … I’m sorry, too.” I detected a hint of sadness in his voice that tugged at my heart.
    “It’s okay. It was a long time ago; I don’t even remember her… not really, anyway.”
    There was this awkward exchange where neither one of us really knew what to say next, so we both started watching the aurora borealis, again.
    I felt completely intimidated by him. He was perfect in every way, something I could never be. I kept giving him sidelong glances, and every time he was still eyeing me. He must have noticed because he suddenly flashed that sexy smile of his again, revealing a dimple I didn’t recall seeing before. A burning flush flew over me, I promptly lowered my eyes and smiled.
    He slowly inched closer until his face was right next to mine. My heart sped up until I thought a heart attack was eminent.
    He placed his hand on my chin and softly turned my face toward him. His hand was like ice at first, but quickly started to warm up until it felt burning hot. His gaze danced back and forth between my lips and my eyes,

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