Time to Shine

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Book: Time to Shine by Nikki Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Carter
you think?” Evan asks.
    Big D chuckles. “Really? You want my opinion?”
    â€œDon’t be a diva,” Dreya says. “Tell us what you think.”
    After a long, pregnant, diva-like pause, Big D says, “I think it is a really good idea. It will help all four of you move a lot more units, and that is the point, isn’t it?”
    â€œThat’s what’s up! There will be Reign Records group collaborations on every record that’s released. As we gain more artists, the collaborations will get bigger.” Evan claps his hands together and does a half skip over to the keyboard. He sits down at the bench and bangs out a short tune.
    What just happened? Did my career just step into the let’s-go-backward time machine? It was cool singing with Dreya and Bethany, but I’ve moved beyond this. I know exactly what my mentor, Mystique, would say.
    â€œDon’t do it. Evan is an idiot,” Mystique says as we have lunch at her favorite sushi bar. I am not a fan of sushi. I’d much rather be eating chicken and waffles or some macaroni and cheese, but Mystique always picks when we eat out.
    I nod in agreement. “I mean, we sounded great together. We always have. But Dreya and I are not in a good place. The only reason I agreed to even work on her record is because Evan offered me extra points.”
    â€œHe did? He must be desperate for her record to be a hit. You’re hot right now.”
    I shrug. “Thing is, I can’t work when I’m not inspired. I’m not a machine. I don’t like Sam and I can barely stand to look at Dreya without choking her. Plus, I’ve got exams coming up soon. I don’t know how to find my writing place.”
    â€œYou need to go on some dates. Have some fun. What about DeShawn?” Mystique says. “He’d be a lot of fun, right?”
    I bite my lip and consider DeShawn. Everything about him is perfect, except the fact that he’s not Sam. As much as Sam is on my list of least favorite people right now, I think he might’ve been my first love.
    A huge knot forms in my throat as I think about the fun Sam and I had in Barbados. It was the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. I’d never take back anything about us. If only he’d been faithful.
    I think I’m heartbroken.
    â€œI-I’m not ready for fun, Mystique.”
    She reaches across the table and places her hand over mine, an uncharacteristically caring gesture. It almost doesn’t feel genuine, but I don’t care, because I could use the sympathy, even if it is fake. Her touch seems to pop the cork off of a boatload of unshed tears. I thought I was done crying over Sam, but apparently, I’m not.
    â€œYou know, Sam really wants you back,” Mystique says. “He was just telling Zac how much he misses you and how much he messed up.”
    â€œHe was?”
    Mystique nods. “Yes, he was. But you’re not going to fall for it. You’re going to ignore the pain you’re feeling.”
    â€œI am?”
    â€œYes. I thought I wanted you two to get back together, but after this fiasco with Zac’s baby’s mother, I’m totally against unhealthy relationships, and you and Sam were totally unhealthy. He had his opportunity to do the right thing and he didn’t. His loss.”
    She hands me a tissue from her purse and then waits patiently while I dry my tears and blow my nose.
    â€œI agree with you about Sam,” I say. “It was unhealthy, and he told me more lies than he did truth. But I disagree about DeShawn. If he wants to be my boyfriend, he’s going to have to be incredibly patient. Because that’s not going down anytime soon.”
    â€œHe’s someone to have on your arm at events. He’s hot, and y’all look good together. It’ll also keep the paparazzi from asking you about Sam. Even they aren’t that tacky to ask about your ex in front of your new

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