Times of Tribulation: Christian End Times Thriller (The End Times Saga, #7)
for your faithfulness in this period.
    “Now we come to the third trumpet, which is when a comet called Wormwood poisons one-third of the river, streams, and lakes. Many will die from lack of fresh water and the world government will be powerless to stop it from happening. The fourth trumpet consists of one-third of the light from the sun, moon, and stars being reduced. I don't know how that will happen, but I'm sure God has it all worked out. I'm sure this will start a period of drought, the likes of which the world has never seen, and it’ll probably be darker and colder.
    “The fifth trumpet calls forth demons to harass those who have taken the marks of the Beast. For five months, these demons will hurt people, enough that those affected will want to die, but death will not come. After this is over, some of those people might actually die. The sixth trumpet involves a worldwide war, which is what I expect to be World War III. In this war, at least two hundred million people will die. The corrupt people of Earth will not blame the world leader, they’ll blame two witnesses that God has sent to warn the Jews of what is to come and to lead them to being saved.
    “I’m sure you want to know who these two are. Many Bible scholars over the centuries have debated who they are, but the only thing I know for sure is that the two will be Old Testament saints. While you’re watching this video, I’m sure the two have shown up in Jerusalem, and there’s a dedicated web camera that someone setup years ago near the Wailing Wall where the two are supposed to appear. If you want, you can find out if they’ve arrived and you’ll be able to listen to them preach. Anyway, these two witnesses are to lead one hundred and forty-four thousand Jews to Christ, and those Jews will lead others to Christ. Of course, this will upset the leader of the world, but he will not be able to do anything about it until halfway through the Tribulation.
    “Somehow, at the halfway point of the Tribulation, the leader of the world manages to overcome God’s witnesses and kills them. Fear not, because after three and a half days, they will rise again, which will put the fear of God into many. Shortly after this, someone will attempt to assassinate the leader, which will end up causing Lucifer, you know him as the Devil, to indwell the leader. They’ll pretend to rise again after three days and many will believe he is God. This is where the seventh trumpet announces the end of the first three and a half years of Tribulation.
    “The next three and a half will be worse, as the judgments known as the Bowls of Wrath are poured out. At the same time, the Anti-Christ will target believers with gusto and will begin to hunt them down and execute them. While this goes on, those who have taken the marks will be affected with boils, followed by all life in the oceans dying, along with all water - oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes on Earth turning into blood. In the middle of the three and a half years, the sun’s power will increase, causing the skin of man to burn almost instantly. The daylight hours will be much shorter, while the night will seem to be longer and it will be darker, which will make people think time is going faster, but it won’t be. I believe this will also be a time when the technology that mankind has built will no longer work, plunging everyone into a pre-Industrial Revolution level. I know this will severely affect many who rely solely on the technology they’ve lived with all of their lives.
    “After this, the river Euphrates dries up, which allows a king or kings from the East, mostly likely around China, to attempt to invade Israel to destroy it. God will not allow this, will shake the Earth to its very foundation, and will drop something like hail from Heaven, possibly meteors, to destroy what remains of civilization. Then, Jesus will return and defeat the Anti-Christ. If you accept Jesus as your Savior, you’ll have nothing to fear,

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