Tipping Point

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Book: Tipping Point by Rain Stickland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rain Stickland
that’s working. We’re in some place called ‘Gravetown’ or something. Everyone says they’ve run out because of all of the people coming up from Orillia and Barrie. I guess those places are in shutdown now too.”
    Mac almost laughed. ‘Gravetown,’ indeed.
    “Okay, find a restaurant that’s open and then call me with the cross street. I’ll bring you some gas. At least you’re in a relatively safe place. It’s called Gravenhurst, by the way. I’m about ten minutes from home. I need to switch vehicles and put the jerrycans in the trunk. I can be there in probably an hour. Grab a coffee or something to eat and just relax.
    “While you’re stranded, try to borrow whatever cash you can get from your credit cards. Normally I wouldn’t recommend that as financial advice, but those cards won’t be working for long, and there’s a good chance you’ll never have to pay it back.”
    “Yeah, okay. Makes sense. I’ll tell Leigh. See you soon. And thanks again.”
    “It’s not a problem, Kirk. We want you guys up here with us where you’ll be safe. Or as safe as possible. See you in an hour or so.”
    Shortly after the conversation ended, Mac was pulling into the driveway. Cameron came out to see what was happening, and helped her load the car as Mac explained about the phone call from Kirk.
    “Do me a favour while I’m gone. I had a little altercation with some ass-wipe who tried to follow me home. I really hate leaving you here alone, even though I did everything in my power to make sure he couldn’t follow me back here.
    “I’ll probably go in to the cop shop tomorrow to fill them in on what happened, but I couldn’t afford to take the time today.
    “Anyway, what I want you to do is activate the sensors. I won’t be gone long, but it’s probably going to annoy the ever-loving hell out of you. We haven’t had a chance to set it up properly, so I don’t doubt that it’s going to be set off constantly by every little bush and blade of grass, but you have to monitor every beep.
    “Load one of the Glocks, put it in a holster, and wear it on you every minute that I’m gone. This guy is seriously off, and he’s a sneaky bastard. Chances are, if he saw me come this way, I’ll see him on my way to Gravenhurst. He won’t know it’s me, because I’ll be in a different vehicle. If I see him, I’ll call you and turn right back around to deal with him. A short delay in picking up Kirk and Leigh isn’t going to hurt them. They’re in a safe place.
    “Damn. And I was in such a good mood, too!” Cameron gave her a look.
    “You were?”
    “I’ll tell you about it when we’re all tucked in for the night. Oh, speaking of which, I got you a sort of present. I was going to test out both of the ones that I bought, but I’ve developed an attachment to one of them already.” She handed Cam the Gerber, still in its box.
    “Oh cool! What’s yours like?” Mac flipped up the tail of her shirt and pulled it out.
    “Wow. These are both awesome. I prefer the black, though. Why couldn’t I get mine in black?”
    “He only had that model in the Coyote Brown and Olive Drab. It’s got its own sharpener right in the sheath, though. You get a feature I don’t have. Well, crap! I just realized I didn’t buy anything to sharpen the rest of this stuff. Guess I’m going to have to go back. Maybe I should call him first.”
    “You have his number?” Cameron was obviously surprised.
    “What? Your mother can’t get hit on?” Cam rolled her eyes.
    “That is not what I meant. You get hit on all the time, even when you’re dressed like a slob. Most women do. What I meant was, you actually still have it? You don’t usually even let a guy hand you his number. You’re pretty blunt about it.”
    “Well, this was a bit different.” Mac couldn’t help the look that crossed her face.
    “He had green eyes,” she continued. “What can I say?” Cameron’s mouth dropped open in complete shock.
    “I’ll tell

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